Open Access
3 April 2012 Analytic evaluation of diffuse fluence error in multilayer scattering media with discontinuous refractive index
Adrian C. Selden
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A simple analytic method of estimating the error involved in using an approximate boundary condition for diffuse radiation in two adjoining scattering media with differing refractive indices is presented. The method is based on asymptotic planar fluences and enables the relative error to be readily evaluated without recourse to Monte Carlo simulation. Three examples of its application are considered: (1) evaluating the error in calculating the diffuse fluences at a boundary between two media with differing refractive index and dissimilar scattering properties, (2) the dependence of the relative error in a multilayer medium with discontinuous refractive index on the ratio of the reduced scattering coefficient to the absorption coefficient μs′/μa, and (3) the parametric dependence of the error in the radiant flux Js at the surface of a three-layer medium. The error is significant for strongly forward-biased scattering media with non-negligible absorption and is cumulative in multilayered media with refractive index increments between layers.



The transport of light in strongly scattering turbid media, such as biological tissue, is generally modeled as a diffusion process, which is described by the diffusion equation for the fluence φ.1,2 In condensed scattering media, φ is dependent on the refractive index n, such that φ/n2 is conserved, enabling modeling of the diffusion of light in media with a spatially varying refractive index.3 However, a finite discontinuity in the refractive index, such as that which occurs at the boundary between two scattering media of differing refractive indices, gives rise to Fresnel reflection, such that φ/n2 is discontinuous, with a discontinuity Δφ proportional to the diffuse radiant flux J at the boundary:47

Eq. (1)

where C(n2/n1) is a smoothly varying function of the index ratio n2/n1 tabulated as described previously.4

The discontinuity in φ/n2 depends on the ratio of refractive indices at the boundary and is small for modest index ratios. Monte Carlo simulation of diffuse light transport across boundaries between turbid media with different refractive indices has shown that the error introduced when this correction is ignored is generally less than 10% for weakly absorbing scattering media, e.g., biological tissue illuminated with infrared radiation.6 An analytical solution for time-dependent diffusion between adjacent half-spaces presented previously8 supports this conclusion. However, the error is cumulative in multilayer scattering media and increases significantly for strongly forward-biased scattering and non-negligible absorption. A simple analytic method of assessing the error incurred in these circumstances when the discontinuity in φ/n2 is not taken into account would therefore be useful and is discussed below. Errors in modeling the diffuse fluence φ in turbid media can lead to systematic errors in diffuse transmittance and reflectance. They also introduce errors in scattering and absorption coefficients inferred from reflectance measurements and thus to errors in quantitative image reconstruction via diffuse optical tomography. Errors in estimating internal diffuse fluence may also impact on photodynamic therapy.




Interface Error

Using the definitions previously published,9

Eq. (2a)


Eq. (2b)

where I(ξ) is the angular intensity distribution and ξ is the direction cosine with respect to the positive z-axis, we find the mean cosine of the radiant intensity distribution ξ=I(ξ)ξdξ/I(ξ)dξ=J/φ. Upon dividing Eq. (1) by φ1, we find the relative error

Eq. (3a)


Eq. (3b)

Thus the error in applying the approximate boundary condition is directly proportional to the mean cosine ξ of the angular intensity distribution at the boundary. This is illustrated in Fig. 1, where the ratio J/φ versus refractive index ratio n for a given relative error Δφ/φ (left-hand axis) and the relative error Δφ/φ versus n for a given ratio J/φ (right-hand axis) are plotted. Thus the larger the index ratio n, the smaller the ratio J/φ required for a given relative error Δφ/φ and the larger the relative error Δφ/φ for a given ratio J/φ i.e., for a given angular radiance distribution I(ξ) with mean cosine ξ.

Fig. 1

The ratio J/φ versus refractive index ratio n for a given relative error in diffuse fluence Δφ/φ(left-hand axis) and the relative error Δφ/φ versus n for a given ratio J/φ (right-hand axis).


The discontinuity in diffuse fluence φ quantified by Eq. (1) also implies a discontinuity in the mean cosine ξ of the radiance distribution I(ξ) at the boundary, viz., ξ1ξ2. To find the magnitude of the error in φ for a specific case requires numerical evaluation of the boundary fluxes.6 However, an estimate (lower-bound) can be made in terms of the mean cosine of the asymptotic angular radiance ξas given by the following equation published previously:10

Eq. (4)

for scattering albedo a=μs/(μs+μs)=μs/μe, where μs is the scattering coefficient, μa is the absorption coefficient, μe=μs+μa is the extinction coefficient, and μas is the asymptotic attenuation coefficient. In the δ-P1 approximation,2 μas is replaced by μeff, the effective attenuation coefficient. μeff and the mean cosine ξas are determined by the reduced scattering coefficient μs and the absorption coefficient μa, as follows:

Eq. (5a)


Eq. (5b)

where μs=μs(1g), g is the scattering asymmetry, the transport coefficient μtr=μa+μs and D=1/3μtr is the diffusion coefficient.1 Thus μeff0, ξas (isotropic radiance) when μa0 (zero absorption). More precise evaluation of the effective attenuation coefficient μeff (and of ξas, which is required for forward-biased scattering in absorbing media, involves higher moments of the phase function.11 In the δ-P3 approximation, the effective attenuation coefficient is as follows:

Eq. (6a)

where β=27μaμt(1)+28μaμt(3)+35μt(2)μt(3), γ=105μaμt(1)μt(2)μt(3), μt(m)=μa+μs(1gm), m=1, 2, 312,13 and the mean cosine of the asymptotic radiance

Eq. (6b)

The dependence of the relative error Δφ/φ on scattering asymmetry g is shown in Fig. 2 for scattering albedoes in the range a|0,0.99| for accurate values of μeff.11 It can be seen that Δφ/φ is only weakly dependent on scattering asymmetry for g<0 (backward-biased scattering), even for strong absorption (a=0.2, i.e., μa=4μs), while increasing rapidly for forward-biased scattering (g>0), approaching 10% for g0.99 when a=0.9. In the δ-P1 approximation, the scattering asymmetry is reduced: g|0,0.5| for g|0,1|, but so is the scattering albedo: a=μs/(μs+μa) via the reduced scattering coefficient μs=μs(1g), potentially offsetting a reduced error in φ. The error in diffuse fluence increases for interfaces with higher index ratios, Δφ/φ exceeding 20% for g=0.95 when n=1.25.

Fig. 2

Relative error in diffuse fluence Δφ/φ versus scattering asymmetry g for a range of scattering albedoes a, with the error increasing rapidly for g>0.9. The limiting case for zero scattering (a=0) is indicated by the horizontal dashed line. The vertical dotted line marks the maximum asymmetry in the δ-P1 approximation (g=0.5). Index ratio n=1.06.



Diffusion Equation

The diffuse fluence φ obeys the steady-state diffusion equation1

Eq. (7)

where S(z) is the source distribution, D is the diffusion coefficient, and μeff is the effective attenuation coefficient. The radiant flux (net energy flow) J is given by Fick’s law:1

Eq. (8)

Solutions of the diffusion equation, Eq. (7), subject to the boundary conditions, define the distribution of the diffuse fluence φ and radiant flux J in scattering media with discontinuous refractive index.


Boundary Conditions

The boundary conditions at an interface between two diffusive scattering media with differing refractive indices n1, n2 are as follows:

Eq. (9a)

for diffuse fluence φ, where n=n2/n1>1 and C(n2/n1)(n2/n11)3/2 for n2/n111 (Ref. 4) and

Eq. (9b)

for conservation of radiant flux J=Dφ/z across the interface. These are applied to specific cases in Sec. 3 below. The error Δφ in diffuse fluence resulting from application of the approximate boundary condition14

Eq. (10)

is proportional to J [Eq. (1)].


Diffuse Fluence Equations

To proceed further, solutions of the diffusion equation for two adjoining layers satisfying the boundary conditions [Eqs. (9a) and (9b)] are required. To simplify the analysis, consider planar asymptotic solutions for φ1 and φ2 in the respective scattering media:15

Eq. (11a)


Eq. (11b)

with effective attenuation coefficients μeff-1, μeff-2; the z-axis is taken perpendicular to the interface at z=0. Upon inserting these solutions into Eqs. (9a) and (9b), we find

Eq. (12a)


Eq. (12b)


Eq. (12c)


Eq. (12c′)


Eq. (12d)

assuming a semi-infinite medium (half-space) for z>0, i.e., a2=0 for φ2(z)0 as z.

Equations (12a), (12b), (12c), (12c′), (12d) enable comparison of the diffuse boundary fluences φ1(0), φ2(0) with those satisfying the approximate boundary condition Eq. (10), which follow on setting C(n2/n1)=0 in Eq. (12c), i.e., for KK. Analytic evaluation of the fractional flux error in terms of the refractive index ratio n=n2/n1 and the diffusion parameters D1μeff-1, D2μeff-2 via the scattering asymmetry g and scattering albedo a can then be made. Accurate values of D1μeff-1 and D2μeff-2 for forward-biased anisotropic scattering in absorbing media (a<1) may be calculated from the phase function p(ξ) and scattering albedo a.10 Alternatively, the mean cosine ξas of the asymptotic radiance can be obtained from Eq. (4) and used in place of Dμeff. Only μeff need be calculated in this case, either analytically in the P1 or P3 approximations12,13 or numerically for higher accuracy.11





The boundary condition Eq. (9a) has been evaluated analytically by Shendeleva for time-dependent diffusion in adjoining media with isotropic scattering, and it has been validated by Monte Carlo simulation.3 Validation of the analytic method presented herein is provided by comparison with the results of Ripoll and Nieto-Vesperinas, who evaluated the error using numerical methods.6 Figure 3 shows the relative errors in the diffuse fluences at the common boundary between two adjoining media versus the refractive index n2 of a scattering medium adjoining an aqueous scattering medium (n1=1.333), as calculated from the analytic formulae given above [Eqs. (12a), (12b), (12c), (12c′), (12d)]. The results show precise agreement with the numerical data (plotted points) published previously,6 confirming the validity of the simpler analytic method, which can therefore replace the previous numerical methods for rapid evaluation of the error in similar cases.

Fig. 3

Comparison of analytic results for diffuse fluence error Δφ/φ (curves) with numerical results (data points from Fig. 8 in Ref. 6) at the interface between an aqueous scattering medium (n1=1.333) and a scattering medium with refractive index n2 varied in the range of 1n22. Scattering parameters: μs1=15cm1, μa1=0.035cm1, μs2=10cm1, μa2=0.24cm1, g=0.8.


Figure 4 shows the dependence of the fractional errors Δφ/φ in the diffuse fluences versus scattering albedo a for two adjoining media with disparate scattering parameters (g=0, 0.95), calculated in the P1 and P3 approximations to the diffusion parameters for Henyey-Greenstein scattering,16 with refractive index ratio n=1.41/1.34=1.06 (tissue/aq). Initially, the error increases rapidly with absorption (a<1) for g=0, reaching a broad maximum Δφ/φ6% when a0.6; in contrast, the error for g=0.95 in the adjoining medium increases quasilinearly to 5% when a=0. The results show that the P1 approximation seriously underestimates the error in diffuse fluence (by 40%), whereas P3 is 10% low compared with the accurate value and is preferred for analytic evaluation of Δφ/φ. Overall, the error increases sharply when there is non-negligible absorption in a turbid medium with strongly forward-biased scattering.

Fig. 4

Relative error in diffuse fluence Δφ/φ versus scattering albedo a on either side of the interface between two homogeneous media with disparate scattering parameters: g=0 (upper curves), g=0.95 (lower curves) for index ratio n=1.06. The filled squares (▪) are data points calculated with accurate values of the diffusion parameters D, κ.10,11




For diffusion of light in multiple layers of finite thickness, the diffuse fluence φk(z) in the kth layer may be expressed as previously described:15

Eq. (13)

with a similar expression for φk+1(z) in the (k+1)th layer. The boundary conditions described previously,4,7

Eq. (14a)


Eq. (14b)

yield the simple recurrence relations (for n=nk+1/nk>1),

Eq. (15a)


Eq. (15b)

when Dk+1μeff-k+1=Dkμeff-k=Dμeff, and μeff-k+1hk+1=μeff-khk=μeffh, where hk, hk+1 are the widths of the kth and (k+1)th layers, enabling the coefficients ak+1, bk+1 to be related ak, bk. The results for the approximate boundary condition [Eq. (10)] are obtained upon setting C(n)=0 in Eqs. (15a), (15b). Successive application of these relations yields the coefficients ak, bk for all the layers involved, with appropriate boundary conditions chosen for the first and last.15 A parallel set of coefficients, ak, bk, for C(n)=0, enables direct comparison of the accurate and approximate fluxes φk, φk in each layer and thus evaluation of the cumulative error for the multilayer system. This is illustrated in Fig. 5, with Δφ/φ=1.4% at a single interface (for a=0.995, g=0.95, n=1.1) and the cumulative error increasing with the total number of layers, exceeding 30% for five layers when μs/μa=1. For multilayer media with higher index ratios, or for a larger number of layers, the cumulative error can easily exceed 100%.

Fig. 5

Relative error in diffuse fluence Δφ/φ versus μs/μa in layer 1 (upper points) and layer 5 (lower points) of a five-layer medium on a half-space (g=0.95, index ratios n=1.1): open squares (□) represent P1 (diffusion) values, filled squares (▪) represent accurate values of diffusion parameters D, κ.



Perturbing Layer

The dependence of the diffuse reflectance of a layered medium on changes in the optical properties of a subsurface layer is of special interest.17 To illustrate this, consider a simple three-layer model comprising two-plane parallel layers supported on a semi-infinite layer (half-space) and vary the properties of the middle layer. The arrangement is sketched in Fig. 6. The optical properties are given in Table 1. The problem is analyzed via the equations for the diffuse fluences in the three regions:

Eq. (16a)


Eq. (16b)


Eq. (16c)

with the diffuse fluence φ3(z) decaying exponentially in the half-space, the flux φ2(z) in the midlayer having both exponential terms, and the flux φ1(z) in the surface layer including the exponential source S0exp(μtrz) for plane parallel illumination at the surface.2 The boundary conditions defined in Eqs. (14a) and (14b) are applied successively at the interfaces to evaluate the coefficients ak, bk for k=1, 2, 3. The flux φ1(z) in the surface layer is extrapolated to zero a finite distance beyond the surface equal to the linear extrapolation distance zb determined by the refractive index n1.4 The radiant flux at the surface Js=D1dφ1/dz|s=D1φ1(0)/zb. A set of coefficients ak, bk for C(nk+1/nk)=0 at each interface yields the uncorrected surface flux Js, allowing the relative error ΔJs/Js (and hence the relative error in diffuse reflectance) to be determined. A representative set of curves showing the dependence of ΔJs/Js on the ratio μs/μa for selected values of the refractive index ratio n=n21 is plotted in Fig. 7, with the relative error in surface flux ΔJs/Js increasing with n and μa, reaching 30% for n=1.5 and μs/μa=1(a=0.5), i.e., for μs/μa=20 (a=0.95, g=0.95). In general, the error is larger (or smaller) for higher (or lower) values of scattering asymmetry g and also increases with absorption.

Fig. 6

Schematic of three-layer system comprising two finite layers on a semi-infinite substrate, subject to plane illumination normally incident on the first layer.


Fig. 7

Relative error in diffuse radiant flux ΔJs/Js at the surface of a three-layer system (two finite layers on a semi-infinite substrate) versus the ratio μs/μa in the middle layer (layer 2) with refractive index in the range n=1.1 to 1.5 (Table 1).


Table 1

Optical properties of the three-layer system.

210.001 to 1.031.1 to 1.5



The analytic method of asymptotic planar fluxes enables straightforward evaluation of the error in diffuse fluence φ without recourse to a Monte Carlo simulation. The magnitude of the error is readily found from the optical properties of the adjoining scattering media, namely, the refractive index ratio, the reduced scattering coefficients, the absorption coefficients, and scattering asymmetries. It is simply expressed via the product C(n)ξ, where C(n) is a monotonically increasing function of the index ratio n=n2/n1 (Ref. 4) and ξ is the mean cosine of the boundary radiance, a key result of the above analysis. This is approximated by the asymptotic mean cosine ξas of the radiance far from the boundary, expressed in terms of scattering albedo a and diffuse attenuation coefficient μeff. An equivalent formula for the error is C(n)Dμeff, where D is the diffusion coefficient. The dependence of flux error on scattering asymmetry g is of some interest, viz., for forward-biased scattering in turbid media with near-negligible absorption (typical of biological tissue in the near-IR6). The error increases rapidly as g1, but is virtually independent of scattering asymmetry for negative values g<0 (Fig. 2). For forward-biased scattering media with non-negligible absorption, e.g., biological media in the visible spectrum, the error becomes progressively less dependent on scattering asymmetry as absorption increases, ultimately becoming independent of g in the limit of zero scattering albedo a0.

Having found a simple means of estimating the magnitude of the flux error at a boundary, accurate formulae for the diffuse fluence φ in adjoining media incorporating the correction term C(n)Dμeff are obtained from the boundary condition Eq. (1). It is noted that the correction applies to the diffuse fluence distribution throughout the turbid medium, not simply at the boundaries. In the case of multilayer media, repeated application of the boundary conditions yields recurrence relations for the coefficients ak, bk of the formula for the diffuse fluence. A corresponding set of coefficients ak, bk obtained from the approximate boundary condition [with C(n)=0] enables (1) the flux error in successive layers to be obtained and (2) its parametric dependence on the optical properties of the layers to be investigated. This is of importance for comparison with experimental determination of diffuse reflectance, as well as for the inverse problem of determining optical constants from reflectance measurements.

The principal aim of the present work is to provide a simple analytic method for estimating the error incurred in using the approximate form of the boundary condition [Eq. (10)]. This has been checked against the computational results reported previously6 (Sec. 3.1 and Fig. 3) and illustrated with several examples relevant to biomedical optics. The work presented herein concerns analysis of the error involved in applying the approximate diffusion boundary condition [Eq. (10)] rather than the error in using diffusion theory per se. Thus a numerical evaluation would merely quantify the “error within the error,” whereas the analytic method provides a simple means of estimating its magnitude. The analytic approach was never intended to replace accurate radiative transfer computations where these are merited, e.g., Phillips and Jacques,17 but rather as a simple check on the diffusion approximation, e.g., the widely used δ-P1 formulation.2



A simple analytic method of estimating the error involved in applying a commonly used approximate boundary condition for diffuse radiation in two adjoining scattering media with differing refractive indices has been presented. The method is based on asymptotic planar fluxes and enables the relative error to be readily evaluated without recourse to Monte Carlo simulation. Three examples of its application have been considered: (1) evaluating the error in calculating the diffuse fluences at a boundary between two media with differing refractive indices and dissimilar scattering properties, (2) the dependence of the relative error in diffuse fluence φ in a multilayer medium with discontinuous refractive index on the ratio of the reduced scattering coefficient to the absorption coefficient μs/μa, and (3) the dependence of the relative error in radiant flux Js at the surface of a three-layer medium on the ratio μs/μa in the middle layer. In addition to its dependence on refractive index ratio n=n2/n1 via the function C(n), the fluence error increases with scattering asymmetry g in forward-biased scattering media and is cumulative in multilayered media with refractive index increments between layers. The same methodology can be applied to multilayer problems with cylindrical symmetry, with the system being first converted to planar geometry via a Hankel transform, to allow 1-D analysis (as here), followed by reconversion of the solution to cylindrical symmetry via an inverse Hankel transform.15



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© 2012 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) 0091-3286/2012/$25.00 © 2012 SPIE
Adrian C. Selden "Analytic evaluation of diffuse fluence error in multilayer scattering media with discontinuous refractive index," Journal of Biomedical Optics 17(3), 035001 (3 April 2012).
Published: 3 April 2012 Logo
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Error analysis

Refractive index

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