Open Access Paper
17 October 2022 Hybrid reconstruction using shearlets and deep learning for sparse x-ray computed tomography
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Proceedings Volume 12304, 7th International Conference on Image Formation in X-Ray Computed Tomography; 123040N (2022)
Event: Seventh International Conference on Image Formation in X-Ray Computed Tomography (ICIFXCT 2022), 2022, Baltimore, United States
In sparse X-ray Computed Tomography, the radiation dose to the patient is lowered by measuring fewer projection views compared to a standard protocol. In this work we investigate a hybrid approach combining shearlet representation with deep learning for reconstruction of sparse-view X-ray computed tomography. The proposed method is hybrid in that it reconstructs the parts that can provably be retrieved by utilizing a model-based approach, and it in-paints the parts that provably cannot through a learning-based approach. In doing so, we attempt to benefit from the best aspects of model- and learning-based methods. We demonstrate first promising results on publicly available data.



X-Ray Computed Tomography (CT) is an essential technique that provides deep insight of a patient or an object of interest in a non-invasive manner. The forward model can be formulated as


where R represents the X-ray transform, f the quantity to be reconstructed (the absorption coefficients), while y represents the X-ray measurements and η some noise.

An important aspect of medical X-ray CT is the radiation exposure of the patients. One technique to lower the radiation dose is by lowering the number of projection views.1 This is referred to as sparse-view or sparse X-Ray CT. The reconstructions of such sparse measurements tend to feature streak artifacts near edges tangent to the acquired X-rays.1 With increasing sparsity, and thus with an increasing lack of measurement data, the severity of these streak artifacts increases as well. Hence a reconstruction approach alleviating the impact of these streak artifacts is highly desirable.

The visibility principle2 tells us in essence that the visible part of an object is comprised of the set of edges tangent to the acquired X-rays, and the invisible part is comprised of the edges non-tangent to these X-rays. Moreover, which edges can or cannot be reconstructed is dependent on the acquisition geometry, therefore known before acquisition.

Following3 we leverage this principle by employing shearlets to resolve the wavefront set of such a signal. This enables us to properly reconstruct the visible edges using 1-regularization and to in-paint the invisible ones using deep learning. Using only model-based methods, by the visibility principle, we cannot retrieve the invisible information. On the other hand, using only deep learning on such an ill-posed problem, we might get satisfactory results up to a point, but we will not be able to certainly assert as to how much the original signal has changed.3

Therefore, our proposed approach, which we will term SDLX for the remainder of this work, is a hybrid method that benefits from the best aspects of both model-based and learning-based approaches for sparse-view X-ray CT reconstruction. The SDLX method is very closely related to,3 which was developed for limited-angle X-ray CT. In the following we will present the SDLX method in detail, along with first results on a publicly available data set.





Shearlets are a mathematical concept building on top of existing wavelet-theory components with distinct advantages. They represent a multi-scale framework that provides optimally sparse approximations of multivariate, anisotropic data. The approximation rate of shearlets is of O(N−2), comparatively better than the O(N−1) of wavelets. Shearlets are constructed by applying three operations, translation, dilation, and shearing, see4 for details. They are applied to a single generating function ψ, resulting in a shearlet system


Here, a ∈ ℝ+ dictates the dilation matrix Aa, s ∈ ℝ dictates the shearing matrix Ss, while t ∈ ℝ2 represents the translations. The composite matrix Mas is then defined as 00024_PSISDG12304_123040N_page_2_2.jpg. The continuous shearlet transform is then


For the discerete shearlet transform, we sample the parameter space ℝ+ × ℝ × ℝ2 at discrete points. This defines the regular discrete shearlet system as


The discrete shearlet transform is defined similarly to the continuous scenario.

Given the directional bias exhibited by regular shearlets,5 we will instead be using the cone-adapted shearlets as they provide a remedy to it. For a visual representation of the tiling that is generated in the Fourier domain, see Figure 1. Additionally, we want to explicitly specify and emphasize, that the cone-adapted discrete shearlet systems as mentioned above, under mild assumptions, form a Parseval frame.6 Based on this fact and the above statements, we know that

Figure 1:

Frequency tiling of the cone-adapted shearlet system. By Afg genzel - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,


This equation represents a powerful reconstruction formula of the discrete shearlet transform, which is essential to our hybrid approach.

By far the most important property of the shearlet systems to the hybrid approach is their ability to resolve the wavefront set of the signals at hand.3 This allows us to differentiate the visible and invisible boundaries, and is accomplished by distinguishing different decay rates of the shearlet transform.

It is worth pointing out that we utilize classical shearlet systems, which are band-limited (compact support in the frequency domain4). Our implementation of such a discrete cone-adapted band-limited shearlet transform is based on,7 to which we refer the reader to for further details. We also utilize the shearlet transform available in8 as an intermediary operation after running the 1-regularization.



Sparse regularization attempts to leverage the assumption that the output of a problem can be described by a fewer number of inputs, or put differently that for every output there exists a sparsifying representation system.3 More specifically for low-dose CT, it has been shown that such methods enable more accurate reconstructions given very few tomographic measurements.3 Therefore, such a paradigm is of interest to us for tackling sparse-view X-ray CT.

Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) is a general algorithm that works quite well in splitting the minimization of the sparsity-promoting 1-regularization term and the data fidelity term. Details on ADMM can be found in.9

Based on (1), we are now able to construct and utilize shearlet-based sparse regularization. Explicitly expressing the reconstruction problem built so far, we write


in which 00024_PSISDG12304_123040N_page_3_3.jpg represents the weights to the regularization term. This allows us to split the wavefront set of the signal into the visible and invisible parts, as described in the visibility principle. In this equation we have also explicitly specified a constraint for non-negative solutions, as it leads to better reconstructions.3

We solve this minimization problem using ADMM.



Deep Learning is one of the most influential paradigms of the last few decades with impressive results in a plethora of fields. In the recent years, considerable attempts have also been made towards the field of medical imaging as well. Many of the current model architectures and techniques pre-process the measurements or postprocess the reconstructions, which can produce impressive results. However, it is not always immediately obvious if data fidelity has been preserved. In a medical setting this is not something that can be brushed aside easily, as accuracy is crucial.

In the hybrid approach that we are working on, the influence of deep learning is kept to a minimum. It is only used for in-painting missing information that can provably not be retrieved through classical model-based approaches. The architecture that we are using is PhantomNet, as proposed in.3

PhantomNet is a fully-convolutional neural network based on one of the most prevalent architectures, U-Net. Different from U-Net, it is also a multi-channel input and multi-channel output network, based on the fact that it operates on the phase space and works with shearlet coefficients. More specifically, it takes a signal of shape (L,W, H) (e.g. (61, 512, 512) and outputs a signal of the same shape. Here, W and H respectively represent the width and height of the image, while L dictates the number of layers of the shearlet coefficients. We refer the reader to3 for full details on the architecture.



Using the separate components of the hybrid approach outlined above, we now summarize all the steps that make up the SDLX method.

  • 1. Retrieve the visible coefficients

    Compute 1-regularized solutions of the following problem


    by utilizing ADMM (or any other appropriate solver), which retrieves the visible coefficients based on the provided measurements. The input to this step are the sparse-view measurements y, while the output g is a reconstruction with sparse-view artifacts.

  • 2. Estimate the invisible coefficients

    We apply the shearlet transform to all of the images g generated above, which maps them from (W, H) to (L, W, H). The PhantomNet uses these shearlet coefficients as input, and it outputs objects of the same shape, which are the in-painted shearlet coefficients. After training PhantomNet (PN), we use this model to estimate the invisible coefficients. If its weights are well adjusted, the following approximation should hold to a satisfactory threshold,


  • 3. Combine the visible and invisible coefficients

    Up until here we have the retrieved visible coefficients and a decent-enough estimation of the invisible coefficients (output of PN). We sum them together and bring the entire output back to the spatial-domain through the inverse shearlet transform


    Here, fSDLX is our end-result (of shape (W,H)), which contains the reconstruction of the sparse-view measurements along with the in-painting of the missing information.

The run-time of the proposed SDLX method is dominated by ADMM solving the 1-regularized problem. The implementations of our proposed algorithm are available at.10, 11



The dataset used here is the one provided by the Mayo Clinic for the AAPM Low-Dose CT Grand Challenge.12 It contains human abdomen scans with width and height of 512. We chose the low-dose scans, with pixel intensities in [0 : 255].

For training of the PhantomNet we selected 10 patients, with the IDs of L004, L006, L014, L019, L033, L049, L056, L057, L058, and L064, which comprised a total number of 1525 scans. For testing we chose another patient, with an ID of L071.

To generate training pairs for the PhantomNet, we first simulate sparse, 64 projection view sinograms (over an arc of 360 degrees) of the 1525 training images using,11 adding 1% Gaussian noise. Then we compute 1-regularized reconstructions of those sinograms using ADMM as in (7), with 10 iterations of ADMM and 5 inner iterations of the conjugate gradient method on the normal equation. We manually selected the parameters of ADMM as ρ1 = 1/2, ρ2 = 1 (as in3), and w = 0.001. Afterwards, we apply the forward shearlet transform from.8

We train the PhantomNet for 100 epochs in single-batches (e.g. one (61, 512, 512) object as a batch) on a learning rate of 7e – 5 and weight decay of 1e – 7. The chosen optimizer is Adam. The loss function is the mean squared error loss from torch.nn.MSELoss.

For testing, we use the data from the patient with ID of L071, and simulate sparse-view sinograms with 64 projection views as above, adding 1% Gaussian noise. We execute the full SDLX method as in subsection 2.4, using the same ADMM parameters as for training the net. In the last step, we sum together the visible coefficients from the f1-regularization and the estimated invisible coefficients that the trained PhantomNet predicts, and apply the inverse shearlet transform to it.

An example result fSDLX of our proposed SDLX method is shown in Figure 2 for one of the slices of patient ID L071, which was not seen during training. We also compare with the ground truth and reconstructions using the same ADMM as in the first step of SDLX, fADMM, and the result of an unregularized CG reconstruction using 10 iterations, fCG.

Figure 2:

64-view reconstruction results on patient L071. The ground truth is f, while fSDLX is the output of our proposed SDLX algorithm. For comparison, we also show the reconstruction of the first step of the SDLX algorithm (fADMM) as well as an unregularized iterative CG reconstruction fCG. The pixel intensities lie in [0 : 255]. For further details see section 3.


It is apparent that this hybrid method is capable of in-painting the missing singularities for sparse-view CT. SDLX outperforms the other methods, a claim also supported by the metrics, as displayed in Table 1. The metrics utilized are the Relative Error (RE), Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR), Structural Similarity Index Measure (SSIM), and Haar Wavelet-Based Perceptual Similarity Index (HaarPSI).

Table 1:

Metrics of the 64-view reconstruction results on patient L071 compared to the ground truth. The lower the RE, the better. The higher the PSNR, SSIM, HaarPSI, the better.


We also ran the same testing experiment without adding noise to the simulated sinograms. The trained model (on noisy simulated data) performed just as well on the unseen data, which serves as an indicator that SDLX is fairly robust towards noise.



The results from the experiment indicate that the hybrid approach works for sparse-view CT. However, a certain smoothing effect is also visible in the results. First experiments (not shown here) indicate that further tuning of the training of PhantomNet might negate this effect.

One aspect of the SDLX method that might introduce unexplained features is the deep learning step. Fortunately, this element is utilized here in a relatively controlled manner, given that it only handles the inference of the invisible coefficients. Further tuning of the hyper-parameters might be beneficial, as might be the study of more advanced models, such as transformers, instead of the U-net.

In summary, SDLX works because shearlets are capable of resolving the wavefront sets of the signals we are dealing with, and these decomposed coefficients adhere to certain rules which we can then learn. Adapting the work for limited-angle X-ray CT in,3 our first experiments for sparse-view X-ray CT on a publicly available data set show promising results.


We would like to express our gratitude to David Frank, a maintainer of the elsa library,11 for his code reviews.



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© (2022) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Andi Braimllari, Theodor Cheslerean-Boghiu, and Tobias Lasser "Hybrid reconstruction using shearlets and deep learning for sparse x-ray computed tomography", Proc. SPIE 12304, 7th International Conference on Image Formation in X-Ray Computed Tomography, 123040N (17 October 2022);
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X-ray computed tomography

Reconstruction algorithms

Model-based design


Data modeling


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