13 March 2024 Multimodal high-resolution retinal imaging using a camera-based DMD-integrated adaptive optics flood-illumination ophthalmoscope
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Proceedings Volume PC12824, Ophthalmic Technologies XXXIV; PC128240G (2024)
Event: SPIE BiOS, 2024, San Francisco, California, United States
We demonstrate the feasibility of a multimodal AO flood-illumination ophthalmoscope, able to provide both bright-field and dark-field images. The multimodality was made possible by integrating a digital micromirror device (DMD) at the illumination path to project a sequence of complementary high-resolution patterns into the retina. Owing to the given system, and the proposed acquisition/processing pipeline, we were able, at the same time, to: (1) obtain up to four-fold contrast improvement in bright-field modality when imaging highly scattered structures such as PRs and NFL; and (2) to visualize, through phase contrast images, translucent retinal features such as capillaries, red blood cells, vessel walls, ganglion cells, and PRs inner segment.
Conference Presentation
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Léa Krafft, Pierre Senée, Elena Gofas, Olivier Thouvenin, Michael Atlan, Michel Paques, Serge Meimon, and Pedro Mecê "Multimodal high-resolution retinal imaging using a camera-based DMD-integrated adaptive optics flood-illumination ophthalmoscope", Proc. SPIE PC12824, Ophthalmic Technologies XXXIV, PC128240G (13 March 2024);
Adaptive optics


Retinal scanning

Image segmentation

Phase contrast


Red blood cells

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