Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging is one of the radar NDE techniques used for remote sensing of civil infrastructures. SAR imaging has been used for remote detection of moisture content, chloride content, and steel rebar corrosion in concrete specimens. Parameters extracted from SAR images are used for condition assessment, including integrated SAR amplitude (Iint), average maximum SAR amplitude (Iavg), and critical contour area (Ac). The objective of this paper is to investigate the effects of moisture and chloride content on the interdependency of critical contour area with integrated SAR amplitude and average maximum SAR amplitude. Laboratory portland cement concrete panel specimens of different water-to-cement (w/c) ratios (0.4, 0.5, and 0.55) were manufactured and scanned inside an electromagnetic anechoic chamber during the drying process of the specimens. From our result, it was found that the interdependency of critical contour area with integrated SAR amplitude and average maximum SAR amplitude during moisture variation is different from the one during chloride variation for different w/c ratios.