31 October 2016 Depolarization of laser beam propagating through atmosphere based on multiple Rayleigh scattering model
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An analytical formula model which is used to describe laser beam’s depolarization characteristics is solved based on multiple Rayleigh scattering model. Firstly, by using Stokes vector to characterize intensity and polarization, while at the same time using Mueller matrix and rotation matrix to characterize polarization changing in scattering procedure, a single scattering model is built. Then, a multiple scattering model is built considering the effects of atmospheric absorbing and scattering attenuation. The received light’s Stokes vectors through multiple scattering procedure are separately solved. At last, on the basis of multiple scattering vectors, the depolarization characteristics of laser beam propagation through atmosphere are estimated though calculating ratio of depolarization and polarized angle shifting. The numerical analysis based on analytical conclusion of this paper shows that for a horizontal polarized laser beam, its ratio of depolarization is about 1% and polarized angle shifting is about 0.3。 when propagates through atmosphere and arrives into the receiver on the ground, and both the above characteristics have only a small change compared with the change of cloud’s depth. The findings of these research show that Rayleigh scattering from atmosphere has a weak effect on the laser beam’s polarization status. The multiple scattering model and Stokes vector analytical formulas raised in the paper could also be used to study the depolarization characteristics of ellipse polarized laser beam and partially polarized laser beam propagating through atmosphere. The research findings of this paper will have theoretical guiding significances in the domain of laser communication, laser detection and laser imaging.
© (2016) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Dai Zhang, Shiqi Hao, Lei Wang, and Qi Zhao "Depolarization of laser beam propagating through atmosphere based on multiple Rayleigh scattering model", Proc. SPIE 10021, Optical Design and Testing VII, 100211Y (31 October 2016); Logo
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Atmospheric modeling

Laser scattering

Light scattering

Rayleigh scattering

Atmospheric propagation


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