2 November 2018 Discovery of temporal universe
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In this article we based on the laws of physics to illustrate the enigma of time in creating our physical space (i.e., the universe). We have shown that without time there would be no physical substances, no space and no life. In reference to Einstein’s energy equation, we see that energy and mass can be traded, and every mass can be treated as an Energy Reservoir. We have further shown that physical space cannot be embedded in absolute empty space and cannot have absolute empty subspace in it. Since all physical substances existed with time, our cosmos is created in the context of time and every substance including our universe coexists with time. Although time initiates the creation, it is the physical substances which indicate to us the existence of time. We are not alone is almost an absolute certainty. Someday we may find a right planet, once upon a time, had harbored a civilization for a short period of light years.
© (2018) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Francis T. S. Yu "Discovery of temporal universe", Proc. SPIE 10818, Holography, Diffractive Optics, and Applications VIII, 1081802 (2 November 2018);
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