The present study aimed to develop a strategy for evaluation of instant PIMD-2π measurements as a basis for clinical monitoring of glaucoma. PIMD-2π is a morphometric measure of the waist of the nerve fiber layer at the optic nerve head (ONH). Clinical measurements of PIMD-2π in patients with early to moderate stage glaucoma demonstrated a high variability among subjects. The high variability among subjects renders comparison of instant PIMD-2π measurements to tolerance limits for normality derived from a normative database inefficient. It is suggested to instead compare sequential measurements of PIMD-2π within a patient. Initially, the difference between an instant measurement and the average of previous measurements can be compared to tolerance limits for difference between measurements within subject. Once, a potential loss of PIMD-2π is detected, a sufficient number of measurements within a sufficiently wide time interval can be used to estimate the PIMD-2π loss rate with regression and the deviation of the estimated loss rate can be evaluated as a 95 % confidence interval for the loss rate. If the upper confidence limit excludes 0, a significant loss rate has been detected. The currently proposed strategy has the potential to detect glaucoma earlier than the current gold standard, computer perimetry, with less inconvenience for the patient.