1 March 2019 Scatter correction with a deterministic integral spherical harmonics method in computed tomography
Yujie Lu, Zhou Yu, Xiaohui Zhan, Richard Thompson
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Different from Monte Carlo (MC) methods, radiative transfer equation (RTE) can precisely simulate single and multiple scattered photon distribution without simulated statistical noise in X-ray computed tomography. The simulated scattered photon distribution on the detectors can be used for scatter correction to reduce the artifacts and improve CT HU number accuracy. We have developed an integral spherical harmonics algorithm to solve the RTE and achieved good accuracy compared to MC methods. Here, we proposed a physical model-based scatter correction method with the developed RTE solution. The method includes the following steps: (1) The CT images are reconstructed from fast analytical method with scatter-contaminated projections and are segmented with HU threshold method; (2) Sparse-view scattered photon distribution is simulated with the developed RTE solver on segmented CT images; (3) Multiplicative scatter correction method makes use of interpolated full-view scattered photon distribution to remove scattering flux from measured projections; (4) The final CT images are reconstructed with corrected projections. Compared to hardware-based scattered photon rejection method with anti-scatter grid, the results show that scatter-induced artifacts are significantly reduced and HU uniformity is improved, demonstrating the efficiency of the proposed method.
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Yujie Lu, Zhou Yu, Xiaohui Zhan, and Richard Thompson "Scatter correction with a deterministic integral spherical harmonics method in computed tomography ", Proc. SPIE 10948, Medical Imaging 2019: Physics of Medical Imaging, 109485L (1 March 2019); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Computer simulations

Algorithm development

X-ray computed tomography

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