High-resolution image-based observations of 3D motion from multiple objects are useful for individual identification and monitoring of crowds of objects/creatures. However, using only a wide-angle camera does not allow suitable observations given the tradeoff between angle of view and resolution. In contrast, a high-speed gaze controller and a high-speed variable focus lens can provide image recognition with high-resolution observations. On the other hand, simultaneous control can be inefficient for single-target tracking and multiple-target switching against automatic gaze/focus scanning. Therefore, we propose a hybrid high-speed gaze/focus control tracking system and cooperative operation with a wide-angle camera. Triangulation from the tracking system and wideangle camera based on a fundamental matrix and a lookup table enables the fast convergence of the gaze/focus to different targets, resulting in efficient continuous high-resolution observation of multiple dynamic objects. We experimentally verified the calibration accuracy, the high temporal response of gaze/focus during tracking onset, and the suitable identification performance for a very small moving marker under high-resolution tracking observation. We have also confirmed the long and detailed tracking of freely swimming fish under continuous observation.