In an attempt to identify the factors which limit the performance of InP solar cells made by the closed-ampoule diffusion of sulphur into p-type InP substrates, and in order to optimize the fabrication process, we have done a detailed analysis of the InP surface and of the diffused emitter region using XPS, Auger, SEM and EDAX for diffusion temperatures of 600, 625, 650, 675, 700 and 725°C for a fixed diffusion time of 3 hours, and diffusion times of 1, 2, 3, and 4 hours for a fixed temperature of 675°C. In this paper, we present the results of this analysis, showing how the morphology and chemical composition of the InP surface layer changes with the diffusion temperature and identifying the possible mechanisms which limit the photocurrent and the open circuit voltage of solar cells fabricated using the closed-ampoule diffusion process.