The fusion of multiple complementary features can effectively improve the performance of texture image retrieval. In this paper, a new texture image retrieval method based on spatial domain and dual tree complex wavelet transform (DT CWT) domain is proposed. For obtaining the local features of texture images, the local binary pattern (LBP) histogram is calculated in the spatial domain, and the LBP histogram of the magnitude subband and the local tetra pattern (LTrP) histogram of the relative phase subband are respectively calculated in the transform domain. Then in the transform domain, the energy of the approximate subband is computed, and the gamma distribution model for the magnitude subband and the von Mises distribution model for the relative phase subband are carried out, and the obtained energy and the estimated model parameters are taken as the global features of texture images. Finally, the relative L1 distance is used as the similarity measurement for the local features, and the normalized Euclidean distance and the KullbackLeibler (K-L) distance with closed form are used as the similarity measurements for energy feature and distribution parameter features, respectively. Experimental results on VisTex and Brodatz databases show that, compared with the existing best methods, the proposed method achieves higher average retrieval rates with 90.72% and 84.12% respectively.