With the increasing demanding for miniaturization utility in infrared detectors, high operating temperature (HOT) and reduced size, weight and power consumption (SWaP) of infrared detectors are getting attention. A “diode-like” nBn barrier structure which can eliminate SRH generation-recombination dark current and operator at 130K has been realized in our lab. InAsSb/AlAsSb materials are grown by means of epitaxial on lattice-matched GaSb substrate. Material and device technology is being discussed, and a 30μm pitch 320×256 Focal Plane Array is displayed. NETD of this device is 14.4mK and the cut-off wavelength is 4.16μm at 130K. The non-uniformity increased form 2.88% to 3.55% during the temperature increased form 80K to 130K. At the end, photos taken by this FPA at 80K, 130K and 150K are displayed.