Open Access Paper
24 May 2022 A hybrid intelligent algorithm for parameter identification of double diode model of PV
Yong Wu, Cong Chen, Xiuzhu He
Author Affiliations +
Proceedings Volume 12260, International Conference on Computer Application and Information Security (ICCAIS 2021); 122601A (2022)
Event: International Conference on Computer Application and Information Security (ICCAIS 2021), 2021, Wuhan, China
Differential evolution (DE) and fireworks algorithm (FWA) are two good optimization algorithms. Each of them have many advantages and have been widely used. Yet it is also inadequate. DE is easy to fall into local optimization and its parameters are difficult to set. FWA is not enough to exploit the local space. In this paper, a hybrid algorithm which combines DE and FWA (FWADE) is presented. By mixing and randomly redistributing the population of DE and FWA in the process of evolution, FWADE has the virtues of DE and FWA. The algorithm has fast solution speed to find global solution. The paper describes the algorithm process of FWADE in detail. The presented algorithm is used to identify the parameters of double diode model of PV cell and the result is compared with that of DE and FWA. The result shows that the hybrid algorithm can get a better solution in parameters identification of double diode model of PV.



With the increase of energy consumption, renewable energy has been widely valued. Among them, solar energy has received additional attention because of its economic performance, infinity, cleanliness and accessibility1. Photovoltaic (PV) cell is the basic component in a photovoltaic power generation system which converts solar energy into electrical energy. In the study of photovoltaic power generation system, it is important to establish the accurate mathematical model of PV2, 3. The accurate model of PV is helpful to simulate and predict the power output accurately4, 5.

Usually, two equivalent circuit models of PV are used to simulate PV cell, namely single diode model and double diode model. The former has five components to be identified. It can accurately simulate the I-V output of PV at high irradiance. However, its accuracy is not enough at low irradiance. Compared with single diode model, double diode model adds a diode to compensate the loss in the depletion region. Double diode model of PV can accurately simulate the I-V curve of PV cell6, 7. The main problem is that double diode model has more components and requires more computation.

In order to identify the parameters of double diode model, actual measurement output voltages and currents (I-V curve) are need. Because of the nonlinearity of the I-V curve, it is difficult to determine the parameters of double diode model. The traditional curve fitting technique is applied to estimate the double diode model parameters, but there are significant errors in parameters identification because of the greatly nonlinear of the I-V curve8, 9. Different from traditional mathematics, intelligent optimization algorithm is suitable for solving nonlinear problems, such as solving the parameters identification of PV. Many researchers have studies parameter identification of PV model using evolution algorithm. Literature10 used differential evolution (DE) algorithm to extract the parameters of single diode model. A differential evolution algorithm was improved named adaptive differential evolution algorithm to extract the parameters of solar cell models and the results showed its effectiveness11. Single and double diode parameters of solar cell models were compared using firefly algorithm12.

In this paper, a hybrid intelligent algorithm which combines the advantages of differential evolution and fireworks algorithm named FWADE is proposed. The idea of FWADE is to mix the population of DE and FWA at the end of every iteration and randomly redistributes the population of DE and FWA at the beginning of every iteration. The paper describes the implementation of FWADE in detail. Finally FWADE is used to identify the parameters of double diode model. Simulation results verify the effectiveness of the algorithm.




Double diode model of PV

In double diode model circuit of PV, there are a current source, two diodes and two resistances. The current source represents the photocurrent. One diode represents the diffusion phenomena, and the other diode represents the recombination loss in the depletion region. This model can give more accurate output characteristic of PV cell than single diode model in low irradiance and ambient temperature. Figure 1 shows the double diode circuit model of PV.

Figure 1.

Double diode model of PV.


From the circuit, the current equation can be obtained as:


In equation (1), Id1 and Id2 are currents of diode D1 and D2 respectively in Figure 1, they can be descried by diode current. So equation (1) can be written as:


where Isd1 and Isd2 are reverse saturation currents of two diodes respectively. m1 and m2 represent ideal factors of diodes. VT is thermal voltage which can be described by electron charge q, Boltzmann constant k and cell temperature T as:


Equation (2) describes the output characteristic I-V of PV cell. If equation (2) is used to describe the characteristics output of PV, there are seven parameters to be determined. They are photocurrent Ipv, saturation currents Isd1 and Isd2 of diode D1 and D2, ideality factors m1 and m2 of diode D1 and D2, series resistance Rs and parallel resistance Rp.


Double diode model parameters identification problem

From the description above, there are seven parameters to be identified which can be listed as vector:


Actual measurement voltage and current output of PV cell are used to determine the vector U. Figure 2 shows a set of voltage and current data of PV cell.

Figure 2.

Output characteristic of PV cell.


In order to determine seven parameters using intelligent algorithm, the initial values of seven parameters are estimated at first, and based on equation (2), the error between actual and estimated can be calculated. The objective is to minimize the error between the actual data and estimated data. Based on equation (2), the objective function can be constructed as equation (4).


In the evolution of intelligent optimization, every actual measurement I-V output and estimated vector U are substituted into equation (4) and the error will be calculated and evaluated. In order to obtain the optimal solution of parameters, the sum of square root error is selected as follows:


where n is the number of measurement pair of voltage and current. According to equations (4) and (5), it will guide the evolution to better solution.




Overview of DE algorithm

Differential Evolution was proposed in 1997. It is a heuristic and parallel search algorithm which belongs to a swarm intelligence search algorithm13, 14.

DE randomly generates the initial value and finds the optimal solution through difference calculation and iteration. For the problem of population NP and dimension D, it randomly generates initial population:


where i = 1,2,…NP represents the ith individual, j = 1,2,…D represents the jth dimension.

In each iteration of the algorithm, mutation, crossover and selection are performed.

In DE algorithm, there are five mutation strategies to generate mutation vector Vi,G+1. Among them, the DE/best/1 strategy is described as:


where F is the difference vector scale factor. Xbest,G represents the best individual in generation G. Xr1,G and Xr2,G are two different vectors which are chosen from the population.

In DE algorithm, there are two crossover methods. Binomial crossover is described as:


where rand(0,1) is a random number between 0 and 1. It is independently generated for each i and j.

According to the fitness values, the better vector between Xi,G and trial vector Ui,G+1 will be selected. The selection operation is defined by:


At the end of each iteration, the evolution stop condition will be checked. If the condition is not satisfied, the next iteration will be carried out.


Overview of fireworks algorithm

Fireworks algorithm was first published in 2010 which simulated the explosion of fireworks. By introducing random strategy and selection strategy, FWA controls the direction of fireworks explosion and achieves global optimization15,16.

FWA randomly generates NP fireworks as an initial population and calculates their fitness value. It includes three steps in each iteration: explosion, mutation and selection.

Every individual in population explodes and generates new fireworks. The number of fireworks that the ith individual generates is Si and the explosion amplitude is Ai. Si and Ai can be described as equations (10) and (11) respectively.


In equations (10) and (11), Stotal is the largest amount of fireworks produced. f (xi) is the fitness value of the ith individual. Amax indicates the maximum explosion amplitude. Ymax and Ymin are the best fitness and the worst fitness respectively. ε is a minimum to avoid zero numerator or zero denominator.

FWA uses Gaussian mutation to produce new fireworks. It randomly selects an individual fireworks and makes Gaussian mutation. Gaussian mutation can be described as:


where g is a Gaussian random number which has mean 1 and variance 1.

NP fireworks will be selected from new fireworks which are produced through explosion and mutation. The individual with the best fitness value will be preserved and the remain NP-1 individuals will be selected with probability p(xi) :


After the three steps mentioned above, the population of generation G+1 is determined.


FWADE algorithm realization

DE is an effective algorithm in search space and has better global search ability. But the parameters of DE are difficult to set and the algorithm is easy to achieve local optimum. FWA is an algorithm with excellent performance and wide adaptability. But it is not enough to exploit the local space. In this paper, the two algorithms are combined to make full use of their advantages. FWADE is described as follow:

Step 1: Initial population

Produce initial population of the hybrid algorithm and the number is NP. Divide the initial population into two parts. One part is the initial population of DE which number is NP1. The other part is the initial population of FWA which number is NP2.

Step 2: Evolution

The evolution consists of DE evolution and FWA evolution.

(1) DE evolution.

Firstly, for the NP1 individuals of DE population, the mutation operation is carried out. The mutation strategy is equation (7) and the corresponding mutation vectors Vi,G+1 are generated. Then, the crossover operation is carried out to produce NP1 trial vectors Ui,G+1. The crossover strategy adopts binomial crossover which is described in equation (8). Finally, the better vector between the original population Xi,G and the trial vectors Ui,G+1 is selected through equation (9). Through the three operations, the individual Xi,G of population is renewed to Xi,G+1 and the population is renewed which has better fitness. So the NP1 individuals of the next generation are determined.

(2) FWA evolution.

Firstly, NP2 individuals of FWA population explode to generate new fireworks. The number of the ith individual and the explosion amplitude are shown in equations (10) and (11) respectively. Then the new fireworks are generated based on equation (12). Finally, in all new fireworks, the individual with best fitness is kept and the other NP2-1 individuals are selected with probability (13). So the NP2 fireworks of the next generation are determined.

Step 3: Mixing and distribution

Randomly mix NP1 individuals of DE and NP2 individuals of FWA that produce through step2 above to obtain the new NP population of hybrid algorithm. Then the population is randomly divided into DE population with NP1 individuals and FWA population with NP2 individuals. Finally, in each iteration, the stop condition of evolution will be check. If the stop condition is not satisfied, the step 2 will be carried on until the stop condition is satisfied.

The flow chat of FWADE is shown as Figure 3.

Figure 3.

Hybrid algorithm flow chat.




In this section, the parameters of double diode model of PV will be identify using the presented hybrid algorithm. In the method, the measure voltage and current output data shown in Figure 1 are utilized. And the result is compared with DE and FWA algorithm.

The parameters of double diode model of PV are set to 7-dimensional individual of the hybrid algorithm. The real voltage and current of PV shown in Figure 2 are used to assess the error between the real and estimated.

The pseudo code of FWADE algorithm is listed below:


In order to test the performance of FWADE, standard DE algorithm and FWA algorithm are also implemented using the same algorithm parameters. The convergence curves of three algorithms are shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4.

Convergence curves.


From Figure 4, all the three algorithms can identify the parameters of PV. The convergence rate of FWADE algorithm is the fastest and it has the lowest error.

The real curve and fitting curves of three algorithms are shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5.

Fitting curves.


Figure 5 shows the real curve of PV output and three fitting curves using DE, FWA and FWADE. The figure shows that the hybrid algorithm can fit real curve very well and it is the best fitting curve.

The identification parameters by three algorithms are also listed in Table 1.

Table 1.

Identification results of three algorithms




Differential evolution and fireworks algorithm are widely used. A hybrid intelligent algorithm which combines the advantages of differential evolution and fireworks algorithm is proposed in this paper. By mixing the population and randomly redistributing the population of DE and FWA, FWADE algorithm is fully combines the advantages of two algorithms.

The implementation method of FWADE is described and the algorithm is used to identify the seven parameters of double diode model of PV. The result shows that it can efficiently identify the parameters of double diode model. Compared with standard DE and FWA algorithm, FWADE algorithm has faster convergence speed and can find better solution.



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Yong Wu, Cong Chen, and Xiuzhu He "A hybrid intelligent algorithm for parameter identification of double diode model of PV", Proc. SPIE 12260, International Conference on Computer Application and Information Security (ICCAIS 2021), 122601A (24 May 2022);
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