1 August 1990 Multidimensional graphics input for feature extraction of high-order 3-D fields
Robert R. Dickinson
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Proceedings Volume 1259, Extracting Meaning from Complex Data: Processing, Display, Interaction; (1990)
Event: Electronic Imaging: Advanced Devices and Systems, 1990, Santa Clara, CA, United States
ABSTRACT In this paper, ''feature extraction' ' refers to the process of interactively extracting meaning from data sets that represent continuous fields. These fields can be quite complex in various ways, even if the analyst has a thorough understanding of the basic physics underlying the processes in a given application. In interactive environments like this, it is essential that multidimensional graphics input be provided in a way in which an analyst can easily learn to explore field domains, looking for features that clearly communicate the behaviour of the underlying processes. This paper reviews existing style guides, and outlines a proposal for extending these to more general multidimensional graphics input styles. Conclusions to date are that advanced easy-touse interactive feature extraction paradigms for high order 3D fields are now feasible, and are easily specifiable in a style guide format. Some examples of the application of the proposed style guide are demonstrated in the accompanying videotape.
© (1990) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Robert R. Dickinson "Multidimensional graphics input for feature extraction of high-order 3-D fields", Proc. SPIE 1259, Extracting Meaning from Complex Data: Processing, Display, Interaction, (1 August 1990);
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Feature extraction

Human-machine interfaces

3D modeling

Data modeling

3D applications


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