1 March 2023 Structure optimization of thermoelectric parts based on welding process
Yanping Zheng, Meikai Guan, Xiashuang Sun, Jingshuang Zhang, Songtao Li
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Proceedings Volume 12596, International Conference on Mechatronics Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (MEAI 2022); 125960H (2023)
Event: International Conference on Mechatronics Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (MEAI 2022), 2022, Changsha, China
In the market, the thermoelectric device are mostly flat plate, and the solder overflow in the process of Bi2Te3 and copper welding is called wall-hanging phenomenon (WHP). This phenomenon mostly occurs in the production line and is inevitable, but it is seldom studied by scholars. In this paper, COMSOL software is used to simulate and analyze the wallhanging phenomenon, and the structure is optimized for this phenomenon. The simulation results show that when the load resistance is small, the wall-hanging phenomenon can improve the output power and conversion efficiency, which is beneficial, when the load resistance is large, the wall-hanging phenomenon will reduce the conversion efficiency, which is harmful. The smaller the size factor is, the less the impact of wall-hanging on the conversion efficiency of the thermoelectric parts. Therefore, when the load resistance value is large, the harm of wall-hanging can be reduced by reducing the size factor.
© (2023) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Yanping Zheng, Meikai Guan, Xiashuang Sun, Jingshuang Zhang, and Songtao Li "Structure optimization of thermoelectric parts based on welding process", Proc. SPIE 12596, International Conference on Mechatronics Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (MEAI 2022), 125960H (1 March 2023);
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Thermal modeling

Materials properties


Instrument modeling


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