Cloud thermodynamic phase is an important parameter in climate models and cloud remote sensing because it controls whether a cloud tends to have a net heating or cooling effect and it must be known to retrieve other cloud parameters. Passive remote sensing of cloud thermodynamic phase using shortwave infrared radiance ratios is a well-known technique, and adding polarization sensitivity to the radiance ratio method can increase accuracy. Ground-based passive polarimetric remote sensing of cloud phase has also been performed in visible and near infrared wavelengths. Prior work has relied on highly sensitive, expensive polarimeters to detect the small change in polarization state between ice and liquid clouds. We explored the use of a low-cost, commercial division-of-focal-plane polarization imager for cloud thermodynamic phase retrievals. We calibrated and deployed a monochrome polarization imager, with both a moderate field-of-view lens and a fisheye lens. The imagers were deployed alongside a verified dual-polarization lidar that provided a truth measurement at the zenith. In this paper, we discuss the relationship between the Stokes S1 parameter measured by the low-cost polarization imager with both lenses and the cloud thermodynamic phase retrieved by a dual-polarization lidar.