Poster + Paper
17 June 2024 Space monitoring using earth remote sensing technologies and stochastic geometry to analyze emergency situations
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Conference Poster
The article proposes a technology for operating an automatic space monitoring system for the presence of waste disposal sites. The technology is based on the ideas of stochastic geometry, as well as geometric probability and covariograms. The paper proposes an algorithm based on the trace transform using discrete orthogonal transforms to minimize the feature space. The problem of developing a trace matrix and selecting informative features using the stochastic geometry method for finding waste disposal sites from high-resolution satellite images is studied using the orthogonal transformations apparatus. The proposed methodology is tested using space images depicting waste disposal sites.
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
M. Kazaryan, M. Shakhramanian, and E. Semenishchev "Space monitoring using earth remote sensing technologies and stochastic geometry to analyze emergency situations", Proc. SPIE 13023, Computational Optics 2024, 130230L (17 June 2024);
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Earth observing sensors

Stochastic processes

Remote sensing

Satellite imaging

Image segmentation

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