The ARIEL mission has the task of conducting a large, unbiased spectroscopic survey of exoplanets, in order to explore the nature of exoplanet atmospheres and interiors and, through this, the key factors affecting the formation and evolution of planetary systems in our galaxy. Ariel is composed of two scientific instrument: one is the FGS which provides the Fine Guidance System capabilities and in addition combines a VIS photometer and a NIR low resolution spectrometer. The other instrument is the Ariel IR Spectrometer (AIRS) which provides spectra with resolution between 30 and 100 on a spectral band between 1.95 and 7.8 micrometers. This paper will focus on the application SW of the Instrument Control Unit of the Ariel mission, which is in charge of controlling the AIRS instrument as well as the Telescope Control Unit (TCU), which controls the M2 Mirror Mechanism (M2M) and provides the temperatures of the Payload. In particular, we will discuss the design of the ASW and the development status of the SW. The Ariel ICU is based on a dual core Leon3-FT processor; the ASW is based on the space profile of the Multiprocessor version of RTEMS 6; we plan to use the multicore nature of the processor to separate the control functions from the data processing part (mainly compression). The ASW implements several standard PUS services, plus a set of instrument specific services for controlling the AIRS Detector Control Units (DCU) and the TCU. We will discuss the results of the coupling tests that have been performed to verify the communications between the ICU and the subsystems (DCUs and TCU), as well as between the ICU and the platform (using a dedicated Spacecraft Interface Simulator)