12 December 2024 A multi-objective optimization algorithm for the configuration of energy storage systems with the rule-based charging: discharging control strategy
Wei Xing, Deyu Yang, Shuai Yuan, Yong Li, Bin Cao
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Proceedings Volume 13419, Tenth International Conference on Energy Materials and Electrical Engineering (ICEMEE 2024); 134193Q (2024)
Event: Tenth International Conference on Energy Materials and Electrical Engineering (ICEMEE 2024), 2024, Lhasa, China
The growing wind and solar power capacities significantly decrease the carbon emission and offer a viable solution to both the energy crisis and climate change. Large fragility and instability are brought into power systems by their intrinsically unstable power characteristics. To mitigate these challenges, energy storage systems have emerged as a prevalent solution. But Different configurations and running modes of energy storage systems have impact on grid stability and investment. The traditional optimization algorithms for energy storage configuration also have difficulties in equation-solving capabilities. So this paper proposed a new optimization algorithm for energy storage system configuration. It gives the estimated optimal energy storage configuration and comprehensive revenue, considering the electricity tariffs, power utilization and curtailed load power. The influence of different wind and solar power capacity ratios is also studied, meanwhile the suggestions for energy storage design in various power applications are given.
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Wei Xing, Deyu Yang, Shuai Yuan, Yong Li, and Bin Cao "A multi-objective optimization algorithm for the configuration of energy storage systems with the rule-based charging: discharging control strategy", Proc. SPIE 13419, Tenth International Conference on Energy Materials and Electrical Engineering (ICEMEE 2024), 134193Q (12 December 2024);
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Solar energy


Wind energy

Mathematical optimization


Control systems

Power grids

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