31 December 2024 Nanoparticle assembly dynamics using Laguerre-Gaussian beams
Tatsunori Kishimoto, Yasushi Tanimoto, Kyoko Masui, Chie Hosokawa, Kentaro Doi
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In recent years, nanostructures created using optical vortices have attracted much attention. However, the details of the nanostructure formation process have not yet been clarified. In this study, focusing on nanostructures formed by Laguerre-Gaussian beam irradiation, we investigated the assembly dynamics of nanoparticles (NPs) as a model to understand the formation process of chiral nanostructures. Analyzing the fluorescence intensity and areas at the laser focal spot, we evaluated the assembled structure of NPs. Furthermore, particle tracking analysis for NPs attracted to the focal spot from the outside was performed. As a result, NPs assembled in the x-y plane and stacked vertically, where NPs outside the laser focal spot were attracted to the toroidal potential well along the orbit and were eventually trapped.
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Tatsunori Kishimoto, Yasushi Tanimoto, Kyoko Masui, Chie Hosokawa, and Kentaro Doi "Nanoparticle assembly dynamics using Laguerre-Gaussian beams", Proc. SPIE 13487, Optics and Photonics International Congress 2024, 134870L (31 December 2024);
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