26 June 1992 Reconstruction of surfaces from optical sections
Jill Gemmill, Kenneth R. Sloan Jr., Christine A. Curcio
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Proceedings Volume 1660, Biomedical Image Processing and Three-Dimensional Microscopy; (1992)
Event: SPIE/IS&T 1992 Symposium on Electronic Imaging: Science and Technology, 1992, San Jose, CA, United States
We are working on several projects which have in common the reconstruction of smooth surfaces based on data gathered using optical sections. Data collection is done using a great many techniques -- most of which require manual tracing or labelling by a human trained observer. These include: camera lucida drawings or EM photomicrographs traced on a digitizing tablet, and contours traced directly on a frame-grabbed image. Optical sections are acquired using both confocal microscopy and Nomarski optics. Objects of interest range from individual cells (photoreceptors, ganglion cells), through small collections of cells, to extended regions. Some of the objects are fairly simple (e.g., individual cones in human retina, blob- or sheet-like regions of interest); the information is contained in precise measurements of the geometry. Other objects (e.g., dendritic trees) are more complicated, with most of the information contained in the shape of a branching structure. All of these types of data are processed into common representation which produces as its final product a smooth 3-D surface, with arbitrary branching structure. Common tasks such as filtering hand drawn features, automatic alignment of multiple 2-D sections to create a 3-D volume, surface reconstruction, display and analysis are supported.
© (1992) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jill Gemmill, Kenneth R. Sloan Jr., and Christine A. Curcio "Reconstruction of surfaces from optical sections", Proc. SPIE 1660, Biomedical Image Processing and Three-Dimensional Microscopy, (26 June 1992);
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3D image processing

Confocal microscopy

Natural surfaces



3D displays

Biomedical optics

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