31 August 1993 Integrated approach to space sensor testing
Parker David Elrod, Heard S. Lowry III, James D. Selman Jr.
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The Arnold Engineering Development Center (AEDC) has developed new test technologies and methodologies for realistic mission simulation testing of infrared space-based sensors. These technologies and methodologies have been combined into an integrated approach for space sensor testing. This approach integrates component, subsystem, and system level tests. Computational models are used to address both sensor optic and chamber optics effects. Simulations and real-world phenomenology are used to generate scenarios tailored for each specific orbit, mission, threat, etc. The synergism of test technology and sensor design characteristics is evaluated and integrated into the test process in order that issues ranging from radiometric calibration to overall mission performance may be properly addressed. A case study based on AEDC's Direct Write Scene Generation (DWSG) test technology is used to illustrate this integrated approach.
© (1993) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Parker David Elrod, Heard S. Lowry III, and James D. Selman Jr. "Integrated approach to space sensor testing", Proc. SPIE 1969, Infrared Imaging Systems: Design, Analysis, Modeling, and Testing IV, (31 August 1993); Logo
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