12 December 1994 Quality control of microlens array
Gerard Roblin
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Microlens arrays are now widely distributed and applied in many domains like public uses, optical communications, information processing, astronomy. Each lens of these arrays is geometrically and chromatically aberrant because of its shape defects which can be dependent on its position inside the array and on the chromatic variations of its refraction or dispersion. Quality testing of the surface limiting the lenses which are of small size can be affected by means of interferometric methods associated to microscopy. Two kinds of defects of different scales are then accessible. Surface quality like roughness and systematic manufacturing defects are displayed by means of reflection interference contrast. Shape defects like errors with respect to an ideal spherical surface which produce geometrical aberrations are given by two waves interferometry with a Linnik's microscope. Defects of sphericity are interpreted by errors of fringes distribution compared with that of Newton's rings and dissymmetry around the axis by their shape defects. Analysis of these fringes patterns gives sufficient information on the quality of lenses in terms of geometrical aberrations if it is considered that their refractive index is constant.
© (1994) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Gerard Roblin "Quality control of microlens array", Proc. SPIE 2340, Interferometry '94: New Techniques and Analysis in Optical Measurements, (12 December 1994);
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Microlens array



Spherical lenses





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