17 November 1995 Parametric simulation-based evaluation of 3D mapping techniques on optical remote sensing images
Nicolas Paparoditis, Laurent Polidori, Eric Savaria
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Mapping techniques frequently make use of 2D or 3D restitution process of remotely sensed images obtained by airborne or spaceborne sensors. The development of these techniques is favored by an increasing demand of geographical information and by a wide range of data more and more resolved. One way to exploit a profusion of such data is to make use of entirely automatic methods. But the automatization of extraction techniques of geographical features comes up against a major difficulty, viz. the validation of the results. This difficulty is mainly linked to the lack of reference data. Besides it is difficult if not impossible to validate an exploitation algorithm from a small number of tests, for then one is validating the result of the final product, not the exploitation method. In fact each experiment is characterized by a particular landscape, by a particular sensor and by particular conditions of image acquisition. With a view to overcome this limitations, an evaluation method is proposed, based on landscape modelling and on geometric and radiometric sensor modelling. This method uses a parametric simulator whose input (landscape model) constitutes a `ground truth', thus allowing a quantitative assessment of the results. This method offers two main advantages: first it allows to generate and analyze a large variety of images on different landscapes and with various sensor modelling conditions, in order to draw wider conclusions. In consequence the lack of reference data is overcome. The second advantage lies in the fact that the simulation approach permits a quantitative parametric validation between the reference data and the extracted data.
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Nicolas Paparoditis, Laurent Polidori, and Eric Savaria "Parametric simulation-based evaluation of 3D mapping techniques on optical remote sensing images", Proc. SPIE 2579, Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing II, (17 November 1995); Logo
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