The concept and invention of the non-penetrating keratoprosthesis were described in 1991 by Legeais, Parel, Villain, Tseng and Lacombe. The main advantage of the non-penetrating keratoprosthesis is that Descemet's membrane and the endothelium are kept in place. Therefore, the risk of endophtalmitis may be reduced, and anterior chamber effraction and pressure modification may be avoided. The prosthesis was designed with a 7 mm diameter optic and a 10 mm diameter skirt made of expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE). A flange in teflon was used to ensure biointegration of the prosthesis. We carried out 3 preliminary studies in Eye-Bank eyes and rabbits, in order to assess surgical feasibility, Descemet membrane strength, and biocompatibility of different types of polymers. We are also currently conducting a study on rabbits.