1 May 1996 Productivity improvements with a direct digital radiography system integrated with PACS
Lothar S. Jeromin, Denny L. Y. Lee, Eugene F. Palecki, David P. Wolff
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The productivity-improving features of a direct digital radiography system for projection radiography are introduced and the integration of the system with PACS is discussed. A flat panel digital array, an array controller, and a system controller with video monitor and standard interface to a local or wide area communications network are the main components of the direct digital radiography system of which prototypes have been built and tested in laboratory settings. When used in radiology room for projection radiography, the digital array converts x-ray photons into digital image data and makes the data available immediately for display on a video monitor for the technologist's review. Upon the technologist's acceptance of the image, an industry-standard network allows the transmission of the image to a workstation where additional image processing can be performed and where the image can be viewed on a high resolution display by the radiologist. If so desired, the image may be routed to a laser printer, digital mass storage medium, or to a PACS communication interface. By connecting the direct digital radiography system with a PACS network, radiographs may be shared electronically like images of other digital modalities. In this scenario, productivity improvements would come mainly from shorter patient exams as a result of the immediate availability of the review images, wider exposure latitude and ease of handling of the digital array, and from the electronic transport, storage and retrieval of image files and patient data in a PACS environment.
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Lothar S. Jeromin, Denny L. Y. Lee, Eugene F. Palecki, and David P. Wolff "Productivity improvements with a direct digital radiography system integrated with PACS", Proc. SPIE 2711, Medical Imaging 1996: PACS Design and Evaluation: Engineering and Clinical Issues, (1 May 1996); Logo
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