29 April 1998 High-speed real-time data classification and cell sorting using discriminant functions and probabilities of misclassification for stem cell enrichment and tumor purging
James F. Leary, Scott R. McLaughlin, James A. Hokanson, Judah I. Rosenblatt
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Proceedings Volume 3260, Optical Investigations of Cells In Vitro and In Vivo; (1998)
Event: BiOS '98 International Biomedical Optics Symposium, 1998, San Jose, CA, United States
Data analysis and cell sorting are both fundamentally the same except in terms of the time available to make classification decisions. In the case of cell sorting the cell classification decisions must be made in real-time (in the case of cell sorting, real-time means in about 625 microseconds on this system). This dictates an approach to classification which can be implemented at memory speeds or in pre-programmed hardware. We have been developing new high-speed lookup table transformation methods, suitable for real-time data classification or cell sorting based on statistical classifiers. Multiparameter data mixtures of human MCF-7 breast cancer cells and human bone marrow were analyzed by discriminant function analysis. Cell identification tags, implemented as additional correlated listmode parameters not used for these analyses, were used to uniquely identify each cell type and to compare classifier results. The performance of classifier systems was also assessed using ROC ('receiver operating characteristics') analysis. The effectiveness of the classification system for cell sorting can be evaluated using molecular characterizations of sorted cells, either in small numbers or at single-cell level.
© (1998) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
James F. Leary, Scott R. McLaughlin, James A. Hokanson, and Judah I. Rosenblatt "High-speed real-time data classification and cell sorting using discriminant functions and probabilities of misclassification for stem cell enrichment and tumor purging", Proc. SPIE 3260, Optical Investigations of Cells In Vitro and In Vivo, (29 April 1998); Logo
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Statistical analysis


Classification systems

Stem cells

Flow cytometry

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