19 August 1998 Atmospheric structure characteristics in the coastal areas
Xide Wu, Chengguo Liu, Li Guo, Yusheng Zhang
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In this paper, the statistical analytical results are introduced. The data of radio sounding had been obtained at Xiamen and Dongshan in Fujian in October 1995 and 1997. The emphases are on the horizontal and vertical distribution of atmospheric refractivity and vapor density in this area. The atmospheric model for correction of tropospheric radio refraction and its parameters have been given in charts and tables. The parameters include the refractivity at sea level, on the ground, above 1km and elevation of 9km and other latitude. It also includes the horizontal and vertical gradient of the refractivity and vapor density. The statistical results provide the basic environmental data for the correction and prediction of the refractive effect of radio wave system and of communication system signal loss.
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Xide Wu, Chengguo Liu, Li Guo, and Yusheng Zhang "Atmospheric structure characteristics in the coastal areas", Proc. SPIE 3503, Microwave Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere and Environment, (19 August 1998);
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Atmospheric modeling



Earth's atmosphere

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