13 December 1999 Ultracompact optics for optical wireless communications
Juan Carlos Minano, Pablo Benitez, Ruben Mohedano Arroyo, Jose L. Alvarez, Maikel Hernandez, Juan-Carlos Gonzalez, Kazutoshi Hirohashi, Satoru Toguchi
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Proceedings Volume 3850, Optical Wireless Communications II; (1999)
Event: Photonics East '99, 1999, Boston, MA, United States
Advanced optical design methods using the keys of nonimaging optics lead to some ultra compact designs which combine the concentrating (or collimating) capabilities of conventional long focal length systems with a high collection efficiency. One of those designs is the so-called RXI. Its aspect ratio (thickness/aperture diameter) is less than 1/3. Used as a receiver, i.e. placing a photodiode at the proper position, it gets an irradiance concentration of the 95% of the theoretical thermodynamic limit (this means for example, a concentration of 1600 times with an acceptance angle of +/- 2.14 degrees). When used as an emitter (replacing the aforementioned photodiode by an LED, for instance), similar intensity gains may be obtained within an angle cone almost as wide as the 95% of the thermodynamic limit. In a real device these irradiance(and intensity)gains are reduced by the optical efficiency. This combination of high concentration factors, relatively wide angles, simplicity and compactness make the optical device almost unique. This work will show the results of the measurements done with several RXI prototypes of 40-mm aperture diameter, all of them made of PMMA (by injection process).
© (1999) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Juan Carlos Minano, Pablo Benitez, Ruben Mohedano Arroyo, Jose L. Alvarez, Maikel Hernandez, Juan-Carlos Gonzalez, Kazutoshi Hirohashi, and Satoru Toguchi "Ultracompact optics for optical wireless communications", Proc. SPIE 3850, Optical Wireless Communications II, (13 December 1999); Logo
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