21 March 2000 High-speed potato grading and quality inspection based on a color vision system
Jacco C. Noordam, Gerwoud W. Otten, Toine J. M. Timmermans, Bauke H. van Zwol
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A high-speed machine vision system for the quality inspection and grading of potatoes has been developed. The vision system grades potatoes on size, shape and external defects such as greening, mechanical damages, rhizoctonia, silver scab, common scab, cracks and growth cracks. A 3-CCD line-scan camera inspects the potatoes in flight as they pass under the camera. The use of mirrors to obtain a 360-degree view of the potato and the lack of product holders guarantee a full view of the potato. To achieve the required capacity of 12 tons/hour, 11 SHARC Digital Signal Processors perform the image processing and classification tasks. The total capacity of the system is about 50 potatoes/sec. The color segmentation procedure uses Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) in combination with a Mahalanobis distance classifier to classify the pixels. The procedure for the detection of misshapen potatoes uses a Fourier based shape classification technique. Features such as area, eccentricity and central moments are used to discriminate between similar colored defects. Experiments with red and yellow skin-colored potatoes have shown that the system is robust and consistent in its classification.
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Jacco C. Noordam, Gerwoud W. Otten, Toine J. M. Timmermans, and Bauke H. van Zwol "High-speed potato grading and quality inspection based on a color vision system", Proc. SPIE 3966, Machine Vision Applications in Industrial Inspection VIII, (21 March 2000); Logo
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Image segmentation


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