24 October 2000 Characterization of aluminum metal-matrix composite (MMC) for lightweight space optics application: a study of thermal expansion behavior of MMC in simulated space thermal environment
Xin-Xiang Jiang, Darius Nikanpour
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Application of advanced composite material for lightweight mirror for space optics needs to know the exact thermal expansion behavior of the composite in space thermal environment. In this paper, thermal expansion behaviors of plasma thermal sprayed and powder metallurgy processed ceramic particulate reinforced aluminum metal-matrix composites in simulated space thermal environment were studied. Thermal cycling was found to cause hysteresis and non-linear thermal expansion responses to the composites when the thermal stress within the composite exceeds the yield strength of the matrix, and subsequently causes matrix plastic flow. High matrix yield strength is necessary for MMC to have linear, stable and repeatable thermal expansion response in severe space thermal environment. The study lays out a fundamental for choosing existed or developing a new MMC for lightweight mirror application.
© (2000) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Xin-Xiang Jiang and Darius Nikanpour "Characterization of aluminum metal-matrix composite (MMC) for lightweight space optics application: a study of thermal expansion behavior of MMC in simulated space thermal environment", Proc. SPIE 4093, Current Developments in Lens Design and Optical Systems Engineering, (24 October 2000);
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