15 December 2003 Effects of damage accumulation on quantum well intermixing by low-energy ion implantation in photonic devices
Martin Chicoine, Alexandre Francois, C. Tavares, S. Chevobbe, Francois Schiettekatte, Vincent Aimez, Jacques Beauvais, Jean Beerens
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Proceedings Volume 5260, Applications of Photonic Technology 6; (2003)
Event: Applications of Photonic Technology, 2003, Quebec City, Québec, Canada
The surface layer of InP-based quantum well (QW) laser structures were implanted with As or P ions at energies ranging from 200 to 360 keV. The structures were then annealed at temperatures ranging from 650 to 750°C during 120s, allowing the defects created by implantation to diffuse, resulting in intermixing at the barrier-QW interfaces. The consequence of the intermixing is the blue shift of the QW photoluminescence wavelength. The blue shfit was studied as a function of the implantation temperature (25 or 200°C). Implantation-induced damage in the samples was characterized by Rutherford Backscattering in channeling mode (RBS-c) and correlated with the observed blue shift. It is found that blue shift is more efficient at higher implantation temperature, even if the resulting defect concentration is much lower. This is attributed to the diffusion of defects during high-temperature implantation, leading to a larger region containing defects contributing to intermixing. Also, when the implanted dose is too high, no blue shift is observed. This could be due to the formation of defect clusters that inhibit the subsequent diffusion of defects. Finally, the defect creation mechanisms within InP and InGaAs layers are found to have a significant impact on the resulting wavelength blue shift.
© (2003) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Martin Chicoine, Alexandre Francois, C. Tavares, S. Chevobbe, Francois Schiettekatte, Vincent Aimez, Jacques Beauvais, and Jean Beerens "Effects of damage accumulation on quantum well intermixing by low-energy ion implantation in photonic devices", Proc. SPIE 5260, Applications of Photonic Technology 6, (15 December 2003); Logo
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Quantum wells

Indium gallium arsenide



Ion implantation


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