20 February 2006 Detection of ultrastructural changes in genetically altered and exercised skeletal muscle using PS-OCT
James J. Pasquesi, Simon C Schlachter, Marni D. Boppart, Eric Chaney, Stephen J. Kaufman, Stephen A. Boppart
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Birefringence of skeletal muscle has been associated with the ultrastructure of individual sarcomeres, specifically the arrangement of A-bands corresponding to the thick myosin filaments. Murine skeletal muscle (gastrocnemius) was imaged with a fiber-based PS-OCT imaging system to determine the level of birefringence present in the tissue under various conditions. In addition to muscle controls from wild-type mice, muscle from abnormal mice included: genetically-modified (mdx) mice which model human muscular dystrophy, transgenic mice exhibiting an overexpression of integrin (α7β1), and transgenic integrin (α7β1)knockout mice. Comparisons were also made between rested and exercised muscles to determine the effects of exercise on muscle birefringence for each of these normal and abnormal conditions. The PS-OCT images revealed that the presence of birefringence was similar in the rested muscle with dystrophy-like features (i.e., lacking the structural protein dystrophin - mdx) and in the integrin (α7β1)knockout muscle when compared to the normal (wild-type) control. However, exercising these abnormal muscle tissues drastically reduced the presence of birefringence detected by the PS-OCT system. The muscle exhibiting an overexpression of integrin (α7β1) remained heavily birefringent before and after exercise, similar to the normal (wild-type) muscle. These results suggest that there is a distinct relationship between the degree of birefringence detected using PS-OCT and the sarcomeric ultrastructure present within skeletal muscle.
© (2006) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
James J. Pasquesi, Simon C Schlachter, Marni D. Boppart, Eric Chaney, Stephen J. Kaufman, and Stephen A. Boppart "Detection of ultrastructural changes in genetically altered and exercised skeletal muscle using PS-OCT", Proc. SPIE 6079, Coherence Domain Optical Methods and Optical Coherence Tomography in Biomedicine X, 607926 (20 February 2006); Logo
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