9 September 2006 Study of superresolution with radial birefringent filter
Maojin Yun, Mei Wang, Jianfeng Sun, Liren Liu
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Anew set of superresolution pupil filter which consists of two parallel polarizers and a rotationally symmetric birefringent element is introduced in this paper, and the pupil function of it is deduced with Jones method. It is shown that such filter can be adapted to realize transverse superresolution simply just by selecting the angle θ between either of the two polarizers and the radial birefringent element. When θ=π/4, the superresolution parameter G which is the ratio between the first zero position of the superresolution pattern and the first zero position of the Airy spot is 0.8, the other parameter Strehl ratio which is the ratio between the intensity of the superresolved pattern and the intensity of the Airy spot is 0.4. The advantage of such filter used in superresolution technique is that the nature of superresolution can be changed by changing the angle between polarizer axis and the principle axis of the radial birefringent element. Furthermore, such filter is relatively simple to construct as it requires no phase changes and low cost replication is possible.
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Maojin Yun, Mei Wang, Jianfeng Sun, and Liren Liu "Study of superresolution with radial birefringent filter", Proc. SPIE 6290, Laser Beam Shaping VII, 62900T (9 September 2006);
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Super resolution

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