28 October 2006 A Pareto evolutionary artificial neural network approach for remote sensing image classification
Fujiang Liu, Xincai Wu, Yan Guo, Huashan Sun, Feng Zhou, Linlu Mei
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Proceedings Volume 6419, Geoinformatics 2006: Remotely Sensed Data and Information; 64191L (2006)
Event: Geoinformatics 2006: GNSS and Integrated Geospatial Applications, 2006, Wuhan, China
This paper presents a Pareto evolutionary artificial neural network (Pareto-EANN) approach based on the evolutionary algorithms for multiobjective optimization augmented with local search for the classification of remote sensing image. Its novelty lies in the use of a multiobjective genetic algorithm where single hidden layers Multilayer Perceptrons (MLP) are employed to indicate the accuracy/complexity trade-off. Some advantages of this approach include the ability to accommodate multiple criteria such as accuracy of the classifier and number of hidden units. We compared Pareto-EANN classifiers results of the classification of remote sensing image against standard backpropagation neural network classifiers and EANN classifiers; we show experimentally the efficiency of the proposed methodology.
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Fujiang Liu, Xincai Wu, Yan Guo, Huashan Sun, Feng Zhou, and Linlu Mei "A Pareto evolutionary artificial neural network approach for remote sensing image classification", Proc. SPIE 6419, Geoinformatics 2006: Remotely Sensed Data and Information, 64191L (28 October 2006); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Neural networks

Remote sensing

Image classification

Artificial neural networks

Evolutionary algorithms

Earth sciences

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