13 February 2007 Mitigation of optical turbulence effects using a modified simplex optimization approach: experimental study
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Dynamically changing turbulence in the atmosphere distorts the wavefront of the laser beam propagating through it. The resulting spatial and temporal fields of the refractive index lead to performance degradation in the form of reduced signal power and increased BER, even for short link ranges. An electrically addressed liquid crystal spatial light modulator (SLM) can be used to correct the optical path difference (OPD) pattern resulting from the atmospheric distortions. Approximating the phase profile of the distorted beam using well-known Zernike formalism reduces the complexity of controlling each pixel of the SLM. Real time correction of the wavefront can be achieved using the Simplex optimization procedure by Nelder and Mead. Previously, some modifications have been proposed to overcome the local minima problems as well as the faster convergence. Yet the better and faster performance could be achieved by more accurate prediction of the simplex initialization along with the modifications in the simplex procedure. This paper presents the experimental results of such modifications to the earlier proposed system.
© (2007) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Rahul M. Khandekar, Vladimir V. Nikulin, and Jozef Sofka "Mitigation of optical turbulence effects using a modified simplex optimization approach: experimental study", Proc. SPIE 6457, Free-Space Laser Communication Technologies XIX and Atmospheric Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves, 64570E (13 February 2007); Logo
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Atmospheric propagation

Spatial light modulators

Wavefront distortions

Beam splitters

Laser beam propagation

Liquid crystals

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