22 January 2007 An indium phosphide-based near-infrared MOEMS microspectrometer for agri-food and environmental monitoring
Michel Garrigues, J. Leclercq, Romain Gil-Sobraqués, Olivier Parillaud, Michel Crochon, Jean-Michel Roger, Octave Amore, Bruno Vilotitch
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The general aim of this project is to realize optical microsystems for NIR spectroscopy (1.5 μm to 2 μm) using the InP/InGaAs material system. We have designed an integrated microspectrometer based on a long-wavelength strained InGaAs quantum well RCE photodiode combined with a wavelength tunability function (MEMS concept). The weak absorption of the QWs is enhanced by embedding the quantum wells into a micromachined tunable vertical resonator that consists of multiple InP/air-gap alternate layers that form both the DBR reflectors and the electrostatically tunable air-gap cavity. The devices are fabricated using a specific MOEMS process based on selective wet etching of an InP/InGaAs epitaxial layer stack grown by MOVPE. The small size and low cost of these microsystems pave the way to promising industrial applications, such as non-invasive biological analysis, on-line industrial process analysis and hyperspectral imaging. The paper focuses on critical design and process issues in order to accommodate residual stresses in the suspended membranes while preserving a suitable tuning range. We present a specific design optimized for the monitoring of sugar concentration in water. The selected spectral range for this analysis is comprised between 1650 nm and 1750 nm.
© (2007) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Michel Garrigues, J. Leclercq, Romain Gil-Sobraqués, Olivier Parillaud, Michel Crochon, Jean-Michel Roger, Octave Amore, and Bruno Vilotitch "An indium phosphide-based near-infrared MOEMS microspectrometer for agri-food and environmental monitoring", Proc. SPIE 6466, MOEMS and Miniaturized Systems VI, 646607 (22 January 2007); Logo
Cited by 4 scholarly publications.
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Quantum wells


Indium gallium arsenide




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