21 May 2007 Shot based MRC flow by using full chip MRC tool
Min-Kyu Ji, Sung-Hoon Jang, Sung-Jun Son, Ji-Hyeun Choi, Sang-Gyun Woo, Han-Ku Cho
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As the minimum feature size gets smaller, the use of optical proximity correction (OPC) becomes more aggressive. The time for mask data preparation dramatically increases. The increase in the number of small size patterns in design causes the increase of Mask Rule Check (MRC) error. It brings the need for checking the error between mask fab and Taped-out customers. Therefore, the Turn-Around Time (TAT) is enlarged. MRC offers not only the rule check but also the violated-pattern-correction to satisfy the quality requested by the customers. In this paper, we suggest a new MRC flow by using new MRC tool that carrys out MRC over various input of e-beam data and handles the MRC output data. In case of the violated pattern which approaches Mask Constraint we expand violated pattern size for pattern correction. And the elimination method can be applied to very small pattern. We describe how well preformed differently in mask exposure time and inspection capability.
© (2007) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Min-Kyu Ji, Sung-Hoon Jang, Sung-Jun Son, Ji-Hyeun Choi, Sang-Gyun Woo, and Han-Ku Cho "Shot based MRC flow by using full chip MRC tool", Proc. SPIE 6607, Photomask and Next-Generation Lithography Mask Technology XIV, 66070V (21 May 2007);
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Data conversion


Optical proximity correction

Error analysis

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