18 March 2008 Large field of view scanning fluorescence lifetime imaging system for multimode optical imaging of small animals
Jae Youn Hwang, Hasmik Agadjanian, Lali K. Medina-Kauwe, Zeev Gross, Harry B. Gray, Karn Sorasaenee, Daniel L. Farkas
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We describe a scanning fluorescence lifetime imaging (SFLIM) system that provides a large field of view (LFOV), using a femtosecond (fs) pulsed laser, for multi-mode optical imaging of small animals. Fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) can be a useful optical method to distinguish between fluorophores inside small animals. However, difficulty arises when LFOV is required in FLIM using a fs pulsed laser for the excitation of the fluorophores at low wavelengths (<500nm), primarily because the field of view of the pulsed blue excitation light generated from the second harmonic of the fs pulsed light is limited to about a centimeter in diameter due to the severe scattering and absorption of the light inside tissues. Here, we choose a scanning method in order to acquire a FLIM image with LFOV as one alternative. In the SFLIM system, we used a conventional cooled CCD camera coupled to an ultra-fast time-gated intensifier, a tunable femtosecond laser for the excitation of fluorophores, and an x-y moving stage for scanning. Images acquired through scanning were combined into a single image and then this reconstructed image was compared with images obtained by spectral imaging. The resulting SFLIM system is promising as an alternative method for the FLIM imaging of small animals, containing fluorophores exited by blue light, for LFOV applications such as whole animal imaging.
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Jae Youn Hwang, Hasmik Agadjanian, Lali K. Medina-Kauwe, Zeev Gross, Harry B. Gray, Karn Sorasaenee, and Daniel L. Farkas "Large field of view scanning fluorescence lifetime imaging system for multimode optical imaging of small animals", Proc. SPIE 6859, Imaging, Manipulation, and Analysis of Biomolecules, Cells, and Tissues VI, 68590G (18 March 2008); Logo
Cited by 5 scholarly publications and 2 patents.
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Fluorescence lifetime imaging

Imaging systems

Imaging spectroscopy

Optical imaging

Pulsed laser operation


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