17 March 2008 Recognition of risk situations based on endoscopic instrument tracking and knowledge based situation modeling
Stefanie Speidel, Gunther Sudra, Julien Senemaud, Maximilian Drentschew, Beat Peter Müller-Stich, Carsten Gutt, Rüdiger Dillmann
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Minimally invasive surgery has gained significantly in importance over the last decade due to the numerous advantages on patient-side. The surgeon has to adapt special operation-techniques and deal with difficulties like the complex hand-eye coordination, limited field of view and restricted mobility. To alleviate these constraints we propose to enhance the surgeon's capabilities by providing a context-aware assistance using augmented reality (AR) techniques. In order to generate a context-aware assistance it is necessary to recognize the current state of the intervention using intraoperatively gained sensor data and a model of the surgical intervention. In this paper we present the recognition of risk situations, the system warns the surgeon if an instrument gets too close to a risk structure. The context-aware assistance system starts with an image-based analysis to retrieve information from the endoscopic images. This information is classified and a semantic description is generated. The description is used to recognize the current state and launch an appropriate AR visualization. In detail we present an automatic vision-based instrument tracking to obtain the positions of the instruments. Situation recognition is performed using a knowledge representation based on a description logic system. Two augmented reality visualization programs are realized to warn the surgeon if a risk situation occurs.
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Stefanie Speidel, Gunther Sudra, Julien Senemaud, Maximilian Drentschew, Beat Peter Müller-Stich, Carsten Gutt, and Rüdiger Dillmann "Recognition of risk situations based on endoscopic instrument tracking and knowledge based situation modeling", Proc. SPIE 6918, Medical Imaging 2008: Visualization, Image-Guided Procedures, and Modeling, 69180X (17 March 2008); Logo
Cited by 26 scholarly publications.
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Image segmentation

Visual process modeling

Detection and tracking algorithms


Instrument modeling

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