13 October 2008 Surface smoothness detection algorithm based on two-dimensional wavelet and computer vision
Jian Yang, Nai-Guang Lu, Mingli Dong
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This work proposes an algorithm to measure the smoothness of three-dimensional object. Firstly use computer vision technology to reconstruct the three-dimensional surface. Then construct high order vanishing moment wavelet to analyze the data. In order to detect the discontinuous derivative points, this paper proposes an algorithm based on wavelet transform. Wavelet is used to descript surface smoothness and detect abnormal data. When using different vanishing moment wavelets to deal with data, we would get different value at those points with different smoothness value. That surface with same smoothness would become a plane. Meanwhile, in order to improve the algorithm validity, this paper proposes using Daubechies wavelet. This algorithm resolved our project problem. It can be used in other projects that require the surface with good smoothness.
© (2008) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jian Yang, Nai-Guang Lu, and Mingli Dong "Surface smoothness detection algorithm based on two-dimensional wavelet and computer vision", Proc. SPIE 7127, Seventh International Symposium on Instrumentation and Control Technology: Sensors and Instruments, Computer Simulation, and Artificial Intelligence, 71271F (13 October 2008);
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Computer vision technology

Machine vision


Signal detection

Wavelet transforms

Detection and tracking algorithms

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