30 December 2008 Integrating the cross-sensor calibration and validation system for GEOSS support
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The Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) will provide long-term data for a wide variety of communities. . To be meaningful and useful in the societal benefit applications, the global satellite observations need continuous and consistent measurements, which require improved cross instrument calibration and product validation. Cross-sensor calibration/validation is necessary for achieving data continuity and consistency. Several institutes and laboratories have been trying to plan and initiate the appropriate processes to accomplish the calibration/validation indicated for the various measurements and disciplines that will most likely be involved. EastFIRE Laboratory at George Mason University (GMU) in the United States has been working on a cross-sensor calibration/validation system during the past seven years, and has demonstrated the capability and performance of the system for NPP/NPOESS prelaunch testing support. The EastFIRE cross-sensor calibration and validation system can be further extended to include more sensors and measurements to support the GEOSS communities in data consistency control and construction of long-term consistent Climate Data Records (CDRs). The primary objectives of the present system expansion and integration are: 1) to support satellite observation research and operations; 2) to support multiple sensor cross-calibration and product cross-validation; 3) to support prelaunch testing and post-launch validation of the next generation earth observation missions; and 4) to build global FCDRs (Fundamental Climate Data Records) for the GEOSS communities using Sensor Data Records (SDRs) from multiple sensors.
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John Jianhe Qu, Xianjun Hao, Jack Xiong, and Stephen A. Mango "Integrating the cross-sensor calibration and validation system for GEOSS support", Proc. SPIE 7151, GEOSS, CEOS, and the Future Global Remote Sensing Space System for Societal Benefits, 715109 (30 December 2008); Logo
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