15 February 2012 Green line-shaped focus and multiple-foci geometry for photovoltaic manufacturing and other applications on silicon
Mikhail Ivanenko, Klaus Bagschik, Wyacheslav Grimm, Alexei Krasnaberski
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Ultra-narrow line-shaped laser focuses are required for different material surface applications. We discuss the optical solutions, like anisotropic transformation and homogenization of a multimode laser beam, and present examples of the line-beam shaping systems for industrial processing. These systems cover range from 13 to 400 mm of the line length by about 10 μm line width. By the lengths above 200 - 300 mm the energy of several green lasers has to be bundled in the system. For a selective doping of solar cell emitter underneath the front contacts we have developed the optics, which provides instead of the continuous line-shaped focus a number of short line-segments (dashed line). Each of these segments is 14 ìm wide and 220 μm (flat topped) long. The 17-segment line spans 33.5 mm and can be extended to cover a whole standard 6" Si wafer. The light source is an Yb:YAG 515 nm disc laser (TRUMPF).
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Mikhail Ivanenko, Klaus Bagschik, Wyacheslav Grimm, and Alexei Krasnaberski "Green line-shaped focus and multiple-foci geometry for photovoltaic manufacturing and other applications on silicon", Proc. SPIE 8243, Laser Applications in Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Manufacturing (LAMOM) XVII, 824311 (15 February 2012);
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Diode pumped solid state lasers


Nd:YAG lasers

Solar cells

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