7 May 2013 Small-scale laser based electron accelerators for biology and medicine: a comparative study of the biological effectiveness
Luca Labate, Maria Grazia Andreassi, Federica Baffigi, Giuseppina Basta, Ranieri Bizzarri, Andrea Borghini, Giuliana Carmela Candiano, Carlo Casarino, Monica Cresci, Fabio Di Martino, Lorenzo Fulgentini, Francesco Ghetti, Maria Carla Gilardi, Antonio Giulietti, Petra Köster, Francesco Lenci, Tadzio Levato, Yuji Oishi, Giorgio Russo, Antonella Sgarbossa, Claudio Traino, Leonida A. Gizzi
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Laser-driven electron accelerators based on the Laser Wakefield Acceleration process has entered a mature phase to be considered as alternative devices to conventional radiofrequency linear accelerators used in medical applications. Before entering the medical practice, however, deep studies of the radiobiological effects of such short bunches as the ones produced by laser-driven accelerators have to be performed. Here we report on the setup, characterization and first test of a small-scale laser accelerator for radiobiology experiments. A brief description of the experimental setup will be given at first, followed by an overview of the electron bunch characterization, in particular in terms of dose delivered to the samples. Finally, the first results from the irradiation of biological samples will be briefly discussed.
© (2013) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Luca Labate, Maria Grazia Andreassi, Federica Baffigi, Giuseppina Basta, Ranieri Bizzarri, Andrea Borghini, Giuliana Carmela Candiano, Carlo Casarino, Monica Cresci, Fabio Di Martino, Lorenzo Fulgentini, Francesco Ghetti, Maria Carla Gilardi, Antonio Giulietti, Petra Köster, Francesco Lenci, Tadzio Levato, Yuji Oishi, Giorgio Russo, Antonella Sgarbossa, Claudio Traino, and Leonida A. Gizzi "Small-scale laser based electron accelerators for biology and medicine: a comparative study of the biological effectiveness", Proc. SPIE 8779, Laser Acceleration of Electrons, Protons, and Ions II; and Medical Applications of Laser-Generated Beams of Particles II; and Harnessing Relativistic Plasma Waves III, 87790O (7 May 2013); Logo
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Laser applications

Monte Carlo methods


Double sideband modulation



Electroluminescent displays

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