26 September 2013 The 27.3 meter neutron time-of-flight system for the National Ignition Facility
G. P. Grim, G. L. Morgan, R. Aragonez, T. N. Archuleta, D. E. Bower, C. R. Danly, O. B. Drury, J. M. Dzenitis, V. E. Fatherley, B. Felker, D. N. Fittinghoff, N. Guler, F. E. Merrill, J. A. Oertel, C. H. Wilde, M. D. Wilke
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One of the scientific goals of the National Ignition Facility (NIF) at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore CA, is to obtain thermonuclear ignition by compressing 2.2 mm diameter capsules filed with deuterium and tritium to densities approaching 1000 g/cm3 and temperatures in excess of 4 keV. Thefusion reaction d + t → n + a results in a 14.03 MeV neutron providing a source of diagnostic particles to characterize the implosion. The spectrum of neutrons emanating from the assembly may be used to infer the fusion yield, plasma ion temperature, and fuel areal density, all key diagnostic quantities of implosion quality. The neutron time-of-flight (nToF) system co-located along the Neutron Imaging System line-of-site, (NIToF), is a set of 4 scintillation detectors located approximately 27.3 m from the implosion source. Neutron spectral information is inferred using arrival time at the detector. The NIToF system is described below, including the hardware elements, calibration data, analysis methods, and an example of its basic performance characteristics.
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G. P. Grim, G. L. Morgan, R. Aragonez, T. N. Archuleta, D. E. Bower, C. R. Danly, O. B. Drury, J. M. Dzenitis, V. E. Fatherley, B. Felker, D. N. Fittinghoff, N. Guler, F. E. Merrill, J. A. Oertel, C. H. Wilde, and M. D. Wilke "The 27.3 meter neutron time-of-flight system for the National Ignition Facility", Proc. SPIE 8854, Penetrating Radiation Systems and Applications XIV, 88540G (26 September 2013); Logo
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Imaging systems

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National Ignition Facility


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