12 September 2014 Investigating potential correlations between jet engine noise and plume dynamics in the hypertemporal infrared domain
Phillip M. Cunio, Reed Weber, Kimberly Knobel, Jason Wager, Gerardo Lopez
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Jet engine noise can be a hazard and environmental pollutant, affecting personnel working in close proximity to jet engines. Mitigating the effects of jet engine noise could reduce the potential for hearing loss in runway workers, but engine noise is not yet sufficiently well-characterized that it can easily be mitigated for new engine designs. That is, there exists a very complex relationship between jet engine design parameters, operating conditions, and resultant noise power levels. In this paper, we propose to evaluate the utility of high-speed imaging (also called hypertemporal imaging) in correlating the infrared signatures of jet aircraft engines with acoustic noise from the jet engines. This paper will focus on a theoretical analysis of jet engine infrared signatures, and will define potentially-detectable characteristics of such signatures in the hypertemporal domain. A systematic test campaign to determine whether such signatures actually exist and can be correlated with acoustic jet engine characteristics will be proposed. The detection of any hypertemporal signatures in association with acoustic signatures of jet engines will enable the use of a new domain in characterizing jet engine noise. This may in turn enable new methods of predicting or mitigating jet engine noise, which could lead to benefits for operators of large numbers of jet engines.
© (2014) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Phillip M. Cunio, Reed Weber, Kimberly Knobel, Jason Wager, and Gerardo Lopez "Investigating potential correlations between jet engine noise and plume dynamics in the hypertemporal infrared domain", Proc. SPIE 9219, Infrared Remote Sensing and Instrumentation XXII, 92190D (12 September 2014);
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Infrared radiation

Infrared signatures


Scanning probe lithography

Acoustic emission

Infrared sensors

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