20 October 2014 New SOFRADIR 10μm pixel pitch infrared products
X. Lefoul, N. Pere-Laperne, T. Augey, L. Rubaldo, Sébastien Aufranc, G. Decaens, N. Ricard, E. Mazaleyrat, D. Billon-Lanfrey, Olivier Gravrand, Sylvette Bisotto
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Recent advances in miniaturization of IR imaging technology have led to a growing market for mini thermal-imaging sensors. In that respect, Sofradir development on smaller pixel pitch has made much more compact products available to the users. When this competitive advantage is mixed with smaller coolers, made possible by HOT technology, we achieved valuable reductions in the size, weight and power of the overall package. At the same time, we are moving towards a global offer based on digital interfaces that provides our customers simplifications at the IR system design process while freeing up more space. This paper discusses recent developments on hot and small pixel pitch technologies as well as efforts made on compact packaging solution developed by SOFRADIR in collaboration with CEA-LETI.
© (2014) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
X. Lefoul, N. Pere-Laperne, T. Augey, L. Rubaldo, Sébastien Aufranc, G. Decaens, N. Ricard, E. Mazaleyrat, D. Billon-Lanfrey, Olivier Gravrand, and Sylvette Bisotto "New SOFRADIR 10μm pixel pitch infrared products", Proc. SPIE 9249, Electro-Optical and Infrared Systems: Technology and Applications XI, 924911 (20 October 2014);
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Signal to noise ratio

Infrared imaging

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