10 March 2015 Nanoassembled dynamic optical waveguides and sensors based on zeolite L nanocontainers
Álvaro Barroso, Katrin Dieckmann, Christina Alpmann, Tim Buscher, Armido Studer, Cornelia Denz
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Proceedings Volume 9379, Complex Light and Optical Forces IX; 93790U (2015)
Event: SPIE OPTO, 2015, San Francisco, California, United States
Although optical functional devices as waveguides and sensors are of utmost importance for metrology on the nano scale, the micro-and nano-assembly by optical means of functional materials to create such optical elements has yet not been considered. In the last years, an elegant strategy based on holographic optical tweezers (HOT) has been developed to design and fabricate permanent and dynamic three-dimensional micro- and nanostructures based on functional nanocontainers as building blocks. Nanocontainers that exhibit stable and ordered voids to hierarchically organize guest materials are especially attractive. Zeolite L are a type of porous micro-sized crystals which features a high number of strictly one-dimensional, parallel aligned nanochannels. They are highly interesting as building blocks of functional nano-and microsystems due to their potential as nanocontainers to accommodate various different guest molecules and to assemble them in specific configurations. For instance, based on zeolite L crystals, microscopic polarization sensors and chains of several microcrystals for hierarchical supramolecular organization have been realized. Here, we demonstrate the ability of nanocontainers in general, and zeolite L crystals in particular to represent the basic constituent of optical functional microsystems. We show that the capability of HOT to manipulate multitude of non-spherical microparticles in three dimensions can be exploited for the investigation of zeolite L nanocontainers as dynamic optical waveguides. Moreover, we implement as additional elements dye-loaded zeolite L to sense the guiding features of these novel waveguides with high spatial precision and microspheres to enhance the light coupling into the zeolite L waveguides. With this elaborated approach of using nanocontainers as tailored building blocks for functional optical systems a new era of bricking optical components in a lego-like style becomes feasible.
© (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Álvaro Barroso, Katrin Dieckmann, Christina Alpmann, Tim Buscher, Armido Studer, and Cornelia Denz "Nanoassembled dynamic optical waveguides and sensors based on zeolite L nanocontainers", Proc. SPIE 9379, Complex Light and Optical Forces IX, 93790U (10 March 2015);
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