8 March 2016 Tri-band optical coherence tomography for lipid and vessel spectroscopic imaging
Luoqin Yu, Jiqiang Kang, Xie Wang, Xiaoming Wei, Kin-Tak Chan, Nikki P. Lee, Kenneth K. Y. Wong
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Optical coherence tomography (OCT) has been utilized for various functional imaging applications. One of its highlights comes from spectroscopic imaging, which can simultaneously obtain both morphologic and spectroscopic information. Assisting diagnosis and therapeutic intervention of coronary artery disease is one of the major directions in spectroscopic OCT applications. Previously Tanaka et al. have developed a spectral domain OCT (SDOCT) to image lipid distribution within blood vessel [1]. In the meantime, Fleming et al. have demonstrated optical frequency domain imaging (OFDI) by a 1.3-μm swept source and quadratic discriminant analysis model [2]. However, these systems suffered from burdensome computation as the optical properties’ variation was calculated from a single-band illumination that provided limited contrast. On the other hand, multi-band OCT facilitates contrast enhancement with separated wavelength bands, which further offers an easier way to distinguish different materials. Federici and Dubois [3] and Tsai and Chan [4] have demonstrated tri-band OCT systems to further enhance the image contrast. However, these previous work provided under-explored functional properties. Our group has reported a dual-band OCT system based on parametrically amplified Fourier domain mode-locked (FDML) laser with time multiplexing scheme [5] and a dual-band FDML laser OCT system with wavelength-division multiplexing [6]. Fiber optical parametric amplifier (OPA) can be ideally incorporated in multi-band spectroscopic OCT system as it has a broad amplification window and offers an additional output range at idler band, which is phase matched with the signal band. The sweeping ranges can thus overcome traditional wavelength bands that are limited by intra-cavity amplifiers in FDML lasers. Here, we combines the dual-band FDML laser together with fiber OPA, which consequently renders a simultaneous tri-band output at 1.3, 1.5, and 1.6 μm, for intravascular applications. Lipid and blood vessel distribution can be subsequently visualized with the tri-band OCT system by ex vivo experiments using porcine artery model with artificial lipid plaques.
© (2016) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Luoqin Yu, Jiqiang Kang, Xie Wang, Xiaoming Wei, Kin-Tak Chan, Nikki P. Lee, and Kenneth K. Y. Wong "Tri-band optical coherence tomography for lipid and vessel spectroscopic imaging", Proc. SPIE 9697, Optical Coherence Tomography and Coherence Domain Optical Methods in Biomedicine XX, 96973M (8 March 2016);
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Optical coherence tomography


Imaging spectroscopy

Fiber lasers

Fiber amplifiers

Optical amplifiers

Blood vessels

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