29 July 2016 The performance of the CHEOPS on-ground calibration system
B. Chazelas, F. P. Wildi, M. Sarajlic, M. Sordet, A. Deline
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The CHEOPS space mission will measure photometric transits of exo-planets with a precision of 20 ppm in 6 hours of integration time on a 9th magnitude star. This corresponds to a signal-to-noise ratio of 5 for a transit of an Earth-sized planet orbiting a solar-sized star. Achieving the precision goal requires precise on-ground calibration of the payload to remove its signature from the raw data while in flight. A sophisticated calibration system will inject a stimulus beam in the payload and measure its response to the variation of electrical and environmental parameters. These variations will be compiled in a correction model. At the very end of the testing phase, the CHEOPS photometric performance will be assessed on an artificial star, applying the correction model This paper addresses some original details of the CHEOPS calibration bench and its performance as measured in the lab.
© (2016) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
B. Chazelas, F. P. Wildi, M. Sarajlic, M. Sordet, and A. Deline "The performance of the CHEOPS on-ground calibration system", Proc. SPIE 9904, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2016: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave, 990438 (29 July 2016);
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